Apr 29, 2011 09:38
Screw Facebooks inability to put more than 420 characters in a post!!! (Have I mentioned that I hate Facebook. I also hate that I use it daily!)
So here is a post about wandering around a big cave with my friends over 20 years ago ...
Memories of Gage Cave ...
Recently my husband and I got in touch with an old friend named Russ.
(Hi Russ!)
About 22 years ago, when I was dating my husband, me and a bunch of my friends went into Gage Cave in Duanesburg. We were all in a spot where we were crawling on our bellies and the guy in front (George) said "I can't go farther and I think I am stuck."
I am somewhat claustrophobic so that freaked me out. Everyone else kept crawling around the caves except for Russ and I. We sat on top of a big hill inside the cave that overlooked a HUGE room. We sat with a flashlight between us, aimed at the big room, and watched bats zip past our heads. Well ... it was very dark (aside from where the flashlight was aiming) so maybe we saw bats coming at us and then felt them zip past our heads. I still remember the feeling of my hair being blown back because the bats were very very close to my head and very fast.
That was awesome.