Pretty Cool

Jul 05, 2003 22:31

Well, today's been pretty cool. I got my car! It's really pretty inside. Gavin, Kelly and Hilton came over to see it before Travis' party and I helped my dad check out the spare tire and such after they left. Travis' party started at 5 and I had my parents drop me off. It was really pretty cool. At first it was weird because no one was really there but finally Brandon showed up and Kelly and Hilton showed up and then Gavin arrived and I was finally hanging out with people. I spent most of the night with Kelly, which is what always happens when we're together *lol* We made plans to probably hang out Monday evening, evening being for a few different reasons.
1) I have another job interview!!! YAY (wish me luck!)
2) She has to work until like 5.
3) Brandon might be coming over to hang out for a bit.

Anywho, nothing else really happened today. I talked to Julian for a few minutes this morning but I had to get off because my Dad got home and I was being yelled at to get off the computer so we could go and pick up my car. If he gets online tonight we'll probably talk some more. I wanna figure out if he still wants to go to Six Flags on Thursday. Wow, I'm kinda tired. I hurt my ankle earlier and I think it might be swelling up a little bit (my bad ankle nonetheless). It made this horrible double cracking noise when it bent sideways. It doesn't hurt a lot but it's has the feeling of being numb from blood swelling. hmmmm I'm gonna go and get a better look at it. More later if there's something interesting.
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