Well! Seems like the house experienced an explosion of population over the past week or so.
So~ For the new residents of the house~ People like Chane Laforet, Gokudera Hayato, Near, Raine Loire and Tieria Erde.
I'm Neena Trinity, and I stay on the corner room on the right of the fourth floor.
So, here's the
room plans~ They're all at the bottom of the page, by the way, and have been updated.
Some ground rules!
1. Do not investigate the things that go bump on the third floor in the middle of the night.
Very very important!!!!!! Your life will depend on this first rule.
2. Always knock before you enter.
Basic courtesy, and you never know what's going on behind that door anyway.
3. But why is the cooking oil/butter gone? I don't know, so don't ask. ♥
4. Unless you're a Celestial Being member, the workplace on the ground floor is out of bounds.
5. Mihael-nii is sort of insane. He takes down doors and walls. It's best not to question his insanity. ♥
That is all~ Have a nice day!!! ♥