May 18, 2006 14:40
where to start...well things have actually been going quite well for me, not the best but better then they had been. the end of the semester is coming and i was dreading it at first bc i dont want to go home for the summer but now im going to terms with the fact that i have to and im actually starting to look forward to it. i just wish i lived closer to school so i would have more people to hang out with, but i do have 2 friends at home (one is only there sometimes though) that are the best and i know i will be alright.
so i went to a party last night and im so embarrassed, i drank way to much and i feel like i made an ass of myself. i was nervous about going to the party bc i never talk to anyone (except for one of the guys that had the party) that was sup to be there and havent seen them since bill and i broke up. so i thought i would drink a little to calm my nerves and i was having a great time, had angela laughing hysterically at me while i did this dance combo thing. she even peed her pants haha but by the time the party started, i was trashed and i really dont remember anything except little things. i didnt mean to get that drunk at all, i dont know what happened, i think i was just thinking that hey i havent done anything really fun in a while so im gonna do it tonight. oh well, i kinda just want to run and hide but whatever, i will most likely never see anyone from that party again so what the hell ever. but i do want to say Props to Angela. i dunno if she is gonna read this or who really does but she is a really great friend and is always there for pretty much everyone when u need her. she took care of me at the party and after it and im sure i was stubborn to her bc i always am but i know she was just looking out for me. thank you boomsquisha =)
wellll there is potentially a new boy and i have been in the best mood lately and i think this is prob the biggest reason. i met him last summer but we were both involved with other people at the time and havent talked at all until he added me back on myspace (he had to delete his account bc of a certain someone, which i can totally relate to bc im currently on my 3rd account) and i sent him a random message for the hell of it. now we talk every day and hang out when we can. we have a lot in common and he is so easy to talk to and i dont feel bad to ask him any kind of question that i want or to just be myself. and i love little cute-sy things and i told him i was freezing at work and he sent me the cutest ecard ever which to me is major points bc i loooove little things like that, and he said that he missed me and that he cant wait to see me again. but im trying not to get that excited about it which may seem strange but most of time i get so wrapped up in everything so fast and then it goes to shit and i get hurt. im tired of getting hurt and i want what i once had, real love. so im trying to just take things slow, let things happen as they happen, but in the mean time, im happy =)
well its 3pm and i havent done any studying yet so im starting to freak i go...