Title : The Night of Shooting Stars Pairing : Ohmiya, Sakuraiba, Jun/Toma Genre : Romance, Fluff, Comedy Rating : PG-13 Warning : Genderswitch Summary : 2 years after her first novel's release and success, Kazumi starts the writing of her third book at a time when her life and Satoshi's are about to undergo great changes.
Sitting both in Ayano-sensei's waiting room, Satoshi and Kazumi were stamping with impatience at the idea of the second ultrasound of the future mother. She was trying to focus on a note she wrote on her phone for her next novel while her husband could not sit still in his chair. The architect turned his head from side to side, watched every corner of the room a million times, tapped his foot on the floor at a steady pace, changed the position of his hands every 20 seconds. Kazumi's patience was finally fed up by all this as she put a hand on his lap in the hope of calming him down. He immediately turned to her, questioning him with her eyes.
- Honey, calm down. You make me nervous by stirring like that. - Gomen. I am so excited! We're about to see our baby!
Seeing the Satoshi's joy burst, another patient in front of them laughed a little, which amused the author as well. She kissed her husband on the cheek and then put her phone in her bag.
- You're adorable, you know that? - You tell me all the time so yes. - We are the following so get you an occupation and remain quiet a little while, take a magazine or something, I don't know.
The young man said nothing more and turned to the display stand next to him, reviewed it for a good 5 minutes and turned back to his wife.
- There is nothing that interests me.
Kazumi put a hand to her face and sighed.
- Look, there in the corner is a table, chairs and legos, go have fun. - But it's the kids corner ... - I know...
Fortunately for them, Ayano-sensei's assistant came out of his office with the previous patient, whom she greeted before she left the corridor. The assistant then took a look at her notepad and looked up with a smile.
- Ohno-san! Ohno Kazumi-san! - Hai! Replied the author, getting up, dragging her husband by the hand.
The assistant closed the door of the obstetrician's office behind them while the couple settled in front of the doctor. Ayano-sensei greeted them briefly, his gaze focused on his computer screen, settling a few things quickly before turning with a smile to Satoshi and Kazumi.
- Hello, excuse me, I settled some details. So ? How are you ? This honeymoon? - A real happiness, it was perfect! Kazumi answered. - Have you noticed any changes? Any concern? - All is good and it must be a week that I think I can feel the baby move. - Great! You are about 17 weeks far, it is possible. Are you ready for ultrasound? - Hai! - In this case, we can go in the exam room.
A few minutes later, lying on the exam table, Kazumi stared at the doctor's screen with a slight smile just like Satoshi who was standing beside her, while Ayano-sensei moved the ultrasound scan over her abdomen.
- That's your baby's profile... spine... legs... he enumerated taking measures of the little human being. He moves right now, can you feel ?
The mother-to-be noted with joy that she and Satoshi were not mistaken, and she answered her doctor in the affirmative while Satoshi kept his eyes on their baby, murmuring: "sugoi ..." Every 10 seconds .
Ayano sensei stopped the scan suddenly.
- I can see the gender of the baby, do you want to know it? - No. - Yes !
Kazumi turned to her husband, frowning.
- What? Asked this one. - I thought we agreed to keep it a surprise. - Yes... I know but I'm too curious! I would like to know ! - You will know it when the baby will be born. - Ooooh Kazu-chan, please... Sensei can tell us now! Begged the architect. - No ! I would like it to be a surprise. - I can tell Ohno-san privately, if you prefer to know at birth, Kazumi-san.
The young woman reluctantly agreed, not wanting to create scandal in public and the ultrasound ended. Ayano-sensei took Satoshi out of the room while the author took the time to get dressed. When she came out, she saw them shake hands and seeing the radiant face of Satoshi, she forgot their conflict for a moment and wondered if her husband was excited at the idea of having a girl or rather a boy .. .
The obstetrician saw her return and completed her file with some documents and photos of the baby while reporting.
- It's okay, Kazumi-san. Your baby is in great shape, I have not detected anything suspicious or abnormal, keep it up!
He returned her prenatal record and she thanked him. Quickly, the couple found themselves again in the corridor, accompanied by the assistant. The young woman said nothing until they returned to their apartment where she went to get a pineapple yogurt in the fridge just before to drop on the couch and turn on the TV. Satoshi arrived and sat next to her, sliding his hand over her belly. She glared at him.
- You're angry ? He asked with his beaten dog's gaze. - In your opinion ?
Satoshi withdrew his hand and sighed.
- Gomen ... - The harm is done anyway. You're so happy that you're going to tell our baby's gender to everyone and I'll be the stupid woman that does not want to know it before birth. - My love... - What? Growled the young woman. - I didn't intend to repeat it to everyone, that's not why I wanted to know, it's for me alone. It will remain a secret between Lychee, me and Ayano-sensei. But especially between Lychee and me.
Satoshi then chuckled briefly under his wife's jaded eyes.
- This is the first thing we will keep secret so that you don't get angry! - It's missed, I already am. - Kazu-chan ... Why do you want to keep the surprise? Aren't you curious? - Of course I'm curious but I would like to get to know Lychee fully at birth and not put him in a little case before I can hold him in my arms. Maybe Lychee does not want us to know it. - Honey, Lychee has only 17 weeks of existence I doubt he can think about that. Or just... think.
The young woman grumbled and finished her yogurt before handing the empty pot to her husband.
- Go get another one. - Right away, my love.
The architect got up, threw the empty yoghurt pot into the trash and came back with a new one on the couch where Kazumi caressed her belly with a slightly dejected air.
- Here. Said Satoshi handing her her yoghurt. - Thank you. - Don't be so upset, honey, come on. We don't care about Lychee's gender, the doctor said he was in good shape and that's the main thing. That's all I can ask for, a beautiful baby ... Healthy... Made with all our love. Said Satoshi kissing the temple, the cheek and then the lips of his beloved at each interruption.
She found a slight smile and huddled against his shoulder while continuing to eat her yogurt.
- I love you so much, it annoys me ... she mumbled.
Satoshi just laughed and kissed the top of Kazumi's head.
- Thank you. - Why ? - For keeping this baby.
The young woman's eyes widened.
- Satoshi, I would never have ... - I know. But you were terrified when you did your pregnancy test. I thought for half a second that we would not have Lychee. - I would never have aborted, never! It's your baby, Satoshi, the most beautiful thing you could offer me. This baby is a small part of you mixed with a small part of me to do something even more beautiful. Oh my god, what do I love you!
The young woman almost threw herself on her husband and kissed him as if her life depended on it. Satoshi hugged her and let himself be carried away by this kiss, sharing with her the sweet taste of the pineapple yoghurt that the author was eating. They parted breathlessly and exchanged a smile as Satoshi brushed a rebellious hair bang away from her partner's eyes. Eyes that darkened and stared at him with envy now. The architect barely had time to blink that his wife was throwing herself on his lips again and tore off his t-shirt.
- Ka ... Kazu-chan ... he stammered as she opened his belt buckle now. - I want you ... she whispered between two kisses. - That, I ... I thought I notiCED! Satoshi's voice had raised a little when Kazumi had finished with his pants and grabbed the object of her desires, dangerously smirking.
- Let me take care of that for you, Satoyan.
- Ohayo Kazumi-chan! Jun started seeing her assistant arrive. - Ohayo J, here's your coffee. Kazumi said, putting down the steaming cup she had brought on her friend's desk. - Thank you.
The publisher automatically took two sips of coffee while the pregnant woman was going to heat water to prepare an infusion while humming.
- You look good this morning. - I had a wake up... quite sportive, if I may say so. Said the author with a chuckle.
Jun almost spat out her coffee directly on her desk and swallowed before laughing with her friend.
- This is the funny part of pregnancy, the part where the libido soars. Is Satoshi able to keep up? - More or less. - Tsk. These men ... The rest of the time they are sometimes almost begging us but when we have the hormones on fire there is no one to take care of it anymore. - So true. - Otherwise, your ultrasound yesterday, how was it? - Wonderful, as always and the baby is progressing well, nothing to report. - Do you know the gender now? - The doctor knows it, and Satoshi too. Kazumi grumbled. - Is that so ? You want to keep the surprise? - What's wrong? - No, I'm surprised, that's all. I thought you'd rather be the type to want to plan everything in advance to avoid worry. - It's only the gender of the baby, it does not change anything to know it or not in advance. I want to discover everything about the baby when I have him in my arms. Satoshi was too curious, he asked the doctor to tell him. - He will surely end up telling everyone. - He better not. Said the author waving her fist in the air.
A few seconds later, the water was boiling and the young woman poured it into her cup before sitting down at her own desk.
- For the moment, I only know about the baby what I saw on ultrasound, which is: the baby has two arms, two legs, a nice profile and he grows healthy while alternating between relaxing and jumping around in my belly. Ah, and he loves pineapple.
Jun laughed again.
- Did you find your thing? - Yep. Before, I found that Hawaii pizza was an abomination of nature, now it's my favorite pizza garnish and our fridge is filled with pineapple yogurt. - It's not too weird, pineapple. A bit like me with honey. - I want to put it everywhere ... In everything I eat ... Kazumi said thoughtfully. Even sometimes, in bed with Satoshi ... - Thank you but I prefer to avoid details on this last point. - Oh sorry, I wandered. Hmm ...
The young woman took out an agenda from her bag and consulted for a brief moment in silence.
- Today, Tanaka-san comes to discuss prototypes of covers for his novel at 1pm, Miura-san comes to bring his new chapter at 2:30pm and there are still details to settle for the sale of several novels. - It leaves us time. How is your new novel going? How are Kaoru and Tomoe? - Well, good. I must already be in the writing of chapter 4 or 5. - Oh wow! It's fast!
Kazumi took a sip of his infusion still a little too hot and grimaced as she rested her mug on her desk.
- I know I know. I feel like a wave of emotions and inspiration is coming over me these days, I feel ... Incredibly well ... - Pregnancy makes you feel better than me, it seems. - Don't be jealous, you have gone through more trials and difficulties to have a baby than me. It is much more praiseworthy. - In the meantime, you don't throw up, you eat like four and you take only the kilos for the baby, not a single excess of fat ... - It's not my fault if we don't have the same metabolism! - How was your mother's pregnancies? - Hum ... For me I think it was easy peasy. For my brother ... The circumstances were not the same, her husband was always drunk and beat her, I think her little pregnancy pains were nothing compared to this. - I forgot that ... Gomen ...
The author smiled and waved her hand in front of her face.
- It's nothing, it's nothing. She found my father, the first good man she saw and you know the rest of the story. - Hum. Your brother has never been jealous of you? I mean, he was abandoned by his mother with a violent father while you had a stable and loving family from the beginning. - Um I guess he is a little. But he always says that if it had happened otherwise, I would not be in his life and neither would my father ... - I don't understand how some can even think about attacking their own child. When I see Toma and Mirai, when I see how much this man loves his daughter since the second he learned that I was pregnant, it's just impossible for him to hurt her someday. - I have the same feeling and yet my baby isn't born yet. Kazumi said with a chuckle as her two hands landed on her belly. Satoshi is overexcited since I'm pregnant, he reads a lot of books and above all, he is at my feet day and night. Yeah ... Pregnancy is wonderful ...
Jun smiled and rolled her eyes.
- What? That's right, he has to put on his glasses to read and with that he looks so sexy! That's enough for me to throw myself on him and make love to him like it was our last day on earth. - Again, I precise I don't want details. - Well ... you've probably done a lot worse with Toma. - Maybe but I don't bring the details here. - Rooh Jun-chan don't be so prudish! Teased her friend.
Toma came back quietly from the restaurant he had gone to get lunch for Satoshi and him. He entered the building whistling, lunch in his hands and finally arrived at the door of their office. He then wanted to take the handle and open the door but someone else did it from the inside and Kazumi came out by adjusting her hairstyle a little. She stopped short when she saw him, as surprised as he was of their meeting, and then chuckled.
- Hi Toma-kun. She says - Hello Kazumi-chan.
The young woman laughed again discreetly before slipping away. The architect watched her go away, blinking his eyes without really understanding the situation, he finally shrugged his shoulders and entered. Satoshi was sitting in his chair behind his desk, as Toma had left him, but he had taken a scarlet color, his hair were a total mess and he was adjusting his shirt and tie. His partner then held an exclamation.
- Don't say anything, I prefer ... Said his friend by lowering his head to his computer keyboard.
Toma burst out laughing.
- I see you had a good time! He said putting Satoshi's order on his desk. - I don't know if I can stand it until the birth of the baby ... breathed Satoshi. My wife is changing into a monster full of hormones and mood swings ... - With Jun-chan it was better to avoid ... This kind of activities, because of her delicate pregnancy so I can't help you or give you some advice. I just wish you good luck. - How kind ... Satoshi mumbled. - If I may, you're such a good lover, I left barely a quarter of an hour and your wife looked satisfied when she came out. - Urusai ... Grumbled his friend, passing his hand over his face as Toma was laughing his lungs off.