last night this kid at my house (as paige had some people over) asked me if i heard about the possible asu budget cuts and what i was going to do if asu cut the theatre department. i said, "uhm, i'm thinking i'll just keep doing more of what i'm already doing, i graduated two years ago." somehow, it feels awkward to me to tell people that i graduated. my roommate is 5 years younger than me, but i don't think we look any more than 2/3 years apart and whenever she has people over, i'm always one of the oldest in the house, but i don't really LOOK old and i don't tend to dress old (aside from my penchant for neutrals), so it always comes as some sort of shock when people say, "when do you graduate?" and i say, "two years ago." or they ask, "how much is rent here?" and i say, "we don't rent. the mortgage is just under 600/mo," and then i have to watch them try to grasp the fact that i own instead of renting.
strangely, after those two things come up, people develop a sudden issue realizing that i only own ONE of our two cats, which i think might be a little offensive. i'm not sure.
i've always been very against it, but i can't get the soft paws on her, i trim her nails but she still destroys things, and i'm just very tired... i just went trying to find evidence arguing that declawing is inhumane, and now i'm just disgusted all over. i can't do that to trillian. i just need to find something that works to keep her from destroying the couches and my computer chair.
as much as i yell at her, she is my baby. my baby who i need to buy more toys for.
okay. i just bought her
this giant ass climbing thing. why did i spend that money? whyyyy??? it's over 4 feet tall. now let's ask why i did that. because she CLIMBS EVERYTHING AND IS CRAZY. i'm looking forward to assembling it.
i think i'll be skipping out on savannah on my tax refund as previously planned and painting the kitchen and possibly my bedroom and/or bathroom. it's actually less expensive (one room), it's an investment to the house, and it will last longer than whatever toys i likely buy myself in savannah. : ] and whoever painted here before used flat paint, which means that things get scuffed really easily and if i don't get some satin on these walls to offset our clumsiness, i'm going to go nuts.
i wish paige would wake up. i'd like to make us breakfast and stuff like when we first moved in, but the kitchen is such a wreck from having people over...
ALSO i have lost 13 lbs. SUCK. IT. WORLD.
this reminds me, people talk about appreciating the small things. well, one of the small things that i like to appreciate is when someone who used to be a bitch to me gets fat.
i really hope gary puts doug holley and i on a damn team together next time, we've been talking about this for two shows now.
oh, and improvisational players are definitely insecure narcissists. i wouldn't say every last one of us and i wouldn't say that there is no variance in degree (because, HAHA, there is), but it becomes more and more apparent and it's a little unsettling to watch people /need/ to be looked at. /need/ to be talking. /need/ the attention. it just sort of makes me sad, because everyone that participates is a really nice and wonderful person and all of us enjoy the spotlight, which is not what i'm talking about. i'm talking about those unfortunate and awkward moments where you can tell someone, for whatever reason, is making things awkward because they have noticed that the attention has deviated from them for more than 5 minutes.
i've never been an attention seeker (except as a child tap-dancing in grocery stores), so watching it makes me super uncomfortable.
but i guess it takes all kinds. that's what people say.
i was glad to see another former coworker at the show last night. he knows one of us, i think. probably taylor. i can never remember if his name is jay or drew or what though. i think it's jay, but i think i said that last time and he told me that i was wrong, but was okay with it because he couldn't remember my name either, just that we worked together. it's always pleasant to see recurring audience members. you like to see new faces, but it's also great to see old ones because it let's you know that you did something right enough for them to come back.
i beat doug in the question game. i couldn't believe it. of course, he promptly screwed me cause he slapped brett's ass as he was coming up for the challenge and brett just introed with "did you slap my ass?" and i was at a loss. haha
my favorite game of the night that i was in though was definitely Change the Line or Ding as it resulted in dana and i being on stage doing a scene at a gynecology office. i was the patient and i was going to go into this idea about having sand /down there/ because my boyfriend and i had sex on the beach. gary kept making me change the line until i wound up with, "is this what they mean by crabs?". dana suggested i stop sleeping with me and start sleeping with women, but that was changed until it was suggested that i sleep with dogs. i said that my boyfriend and i had tried that, but we used the peanut butter on him, not me. were we doing it wrong? and so on and so forth until ointment was introduced and i asked if i needed to use that before or after i have sex with the dog.
no shame. none. it was amazing to hear the audience laugh. there was one point where i was trying to wait for the laughing to die a little bit so i knew i could get my next line out, but it felt like it was taking forever. which, you know, actually is an awesome feeling.
oh man, and taylor sang "i had the time of my life" to brett which was pretty much amazing. he really cracks me up... and nic saying poonani with me during one character two voices. i wanted to get him to say pussy, but oh well. : ]
i had a good time.
stress acne on the jawline. liz lemon and i have something in common (love 30 rock, very understated).
k. i'm going to start getting ready. like i said last night, it's a trevor /day/.
also, you're welcome for the lj-cuts.