Nov 27, 2003 03:45
i want to start a band god dammit
i can write songs, play bass and guitar alright
and i have awesome nnnnamese for bands
jesse and the rippers
dj and the gibblers
captain cutlass and the daggers
the myrtle joe daisy experience
Cunt Face
The Fux
The Prince Alberts
Penis Testtcles and Man-boobs
Binge and Purge
The Sists
The Grassy Knoll
Shitty Shoe
The Chellovecks
Rice Crispie Treats and Key Lime Bars
The Mammogram
Swift Kick in tthe Nutts
Startng Over
Checkers are Overplayed
Rodneys Beat Down
Corrupt and Proud
Have Fun with my Wife
GAMERA's Attack
Cock Monkeys
Hate Means Bush
Dubya Youth (a Reagan Youth Cover Band)
Kip and the School Shooting
Persian Kitty
Super C
the Tri Lambs
Small Black Cock
The Toenails
Fuck Margaret Childs
caulused peni
Hate is a 4 letter word (so deep)
Blue Collar is another way of saying poor white collar
The Oaklahoma Bombs
Maury and the Slutty Moms
Margaret Cho's Dildo Collection
Tylers Sludge
The Sideways Vaginas
With a high dose of LSD you too can fly
Ass Hair
Troops in Bodybags
The Rejected ( T R )
Imbiciles mistaken as Bush
the Raped
the Molested
The Child Molesters
the unlucky charms
the Subway Diet
Captain America and the fat asses/ obese
the Exorcism
the cunts and spoons
the Pedophiles
Pimping Preteens
Damaged Goods
Removed Brains
the Cock Rings
the Boobie Tassles
Rocky Balboa's fight with MR. T
the Peppersprayed
K in K Mart is KLASSY
Say NO to Drugs
the Sweaty Testicles
The Pearl Necklace
Dirty Sanchez and the Angry Dragons
Litttle Boy Blue Micheal Jackson
The Endless List
Kill all Missionaries
the Mindless Mormons
THEE Scallywags
the Scamps
the Tight Honda Boyz
U.P.I.G (random letters)
the Sleaze Balls
the FuckFaces
the Retarded
the Mental
the StraightJackets
the Numbers
thee the
the Jizz
the Scary Uncles
Zoe's Lingering Body Odor
Scruff McGruff
the Gentlemen
the Dirty Needles
RATTT teeth (oh yeah one uped RATT)
the Cats Meow
the Plasmatorches
the Horrid
the Pugent
anyhow im too tired to go on..... till next time