it's my day~

Jul 28, 2008 21:51

I'm so happy today~~
why? that's because...

1. I got sakura iro~ xTRiPx first PV~
FINALLY! After months of searching for it, I got it!!
never thought I would ever see it....the PV's just really Awesome~!
and here is the link

2. Dir en grey have a new photoshot~~ I can't stop laughing for it......their pose just too amusing for me... I don't know why....

his pose.. really strange... just too normal

3. megamasso have a new PV too~ Ryouhei got his bunny ear!! or something... His pink dress is the cutest dress I ever seen~~ but I don't have any photos of him....hiksu,,

4. Brisingr,The Inheritance Trilogy book 3 , in september 2008...WOW... I'm really waiting for this!!

5. I found some pics of Lostprophets... and it's contains some boys love...kakaka.....

Wil Francis, Ian Watkins, and Adam Lazzara.
the caps just too hilarious for me... " A threesome. The emo way.... "  MEGALOLZ!!!.....
and Ian's hand prove it !! and Ian smile too actually....

and Bert McCracken of The Used & Wil Francis of Aiden....
Thanks god the Used and Lostprophet concert in the different I hope they won't do something like that cause I couldn't come to their concert...huhuhu.......

6. the last.. I'm Online today.. after offline a couple of days~~ yippie~~

xtripx, lostprophets, brisingr, megamasso, dir en grey, meme

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