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P.S. Philly's Big Art Show is this weekend and as long as it's not raining (as schedualed by I'll be there! They may even be accepting artists still.. here's the information for it..
*Big Art’s Alternative Craft and Art Carnival - Part of the 40th Street Summer Series
**Call for Artists**
Saturday, August 11th
@ The 40th Street Field
40th Street between Walnut and Locust Street (behind the library)
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104
2pm - 7pm
We have room for about 100 artists to come out and show and sell work.
There will also be bands and live art all day!
I want to try and make this at least 50 percent alternative crafts, so if you’re a crafter or know someone who does something DIY and hip and/or clever let them know and get on board!
Interested artists should send an e-mail too:
With your name and a link.
Anyone interested in doing any kind of live art or something different should also get in touch via
This is filling up fast! It’s free and big! Get in touch soon if you’re interested!