kate beckett
Beckett's still as constant as ever, and the new canon around is pretty darn helpful to keep it that way. During powers plot, she received the first item she's been owed - the bullet from the sniper's gun, but thanks to some island-gifted powers that made her literally invincible to harm, the bullet deflected off her and hit Castle instead. Fortunately, he was healed by a passing ex-goddess, so that erased the issue of, you know, serious harm, but Beckett's really beating herself up about the fact that someone she loves was harmed because of something she's done (or is doing) back home. She can't help but assume it's all related to her mother's murder, and as a result of her guilt, she's pushing Castle away. We're still in the midst of threading all of it, but Castle and Beckett are going to face some hard truths (Beckett is, more specifically) - namely that she can't push him away, even if she feels helpless in her situation and wants to try to solve it on her own. Ultimately, it'll bring them closer together, but right now things are a little rocky between them, which is probably a good thing since they needed a little something to shake them up. (Anyone in Castle's English lit class can safely notice that they've been giving each other a wide berth/been acting slightly frosty towards one another lately.) The theft plot was also really great for her, giving her just enough of a taste of detective work again.
upcoming | I don't think I'm going to be doing anything special with her next month, but once she and Castle make up they'll probably be able to enjoy the amusement park together. I still have one more item that I owe her, plus I have to make a decision for her NDPD gift, but I think if I am dealing with a new pup come November that she'll mostly be content operating in private threads - and right now, that suits me just fine too. K-Becks ain't going anywhere, people, we promise.
threads | Pretty much echoing from last month: Castle, Alexis, Gwen, Olivia, Alistair, Sawyer, anyone else from IPD that she hasn't threaded with directly yet, any other strong females for her to meet and make friends with, fellow bookworms, anyone with a history of law enforcement that she could chat up
steve mcgarrett
NEWKINDOFCOPhawaii five-0
Steve's recent plot is pretty literal: a garden plot. AHAHA SEE WHAT I DID THERE. No, but really, he's been all hunter-gatherer lately, from diving for oysters for the Winchester to tilling the garden that's slowly beginning to flourish right outside the hut. Other than that, his separate plottage is less of a plant and more of a person: more accurately, Kate Freelander. He managed to peg her deeper darker motives behind all of the thieving this past month, and after they had a little bonding over beers (and he endured two nights of being banned to the guest room, courtesy of Danno), he's pretty much decided to take her under his wing. He might encourage her to join ITF in the future, after everyone's sort of moved on from having their things taken, but for now they'll just be doing a little sparring and training of that nature. Aside from the training, I'm also considering putting him to work on custom-making surfboards for any interested folks. He knows the dimensions and the materials that would be needed, but since boards are directly sized to a person's height and he only has the one (sized for Danny), he'll want to make more for people who want one of their own. He's had some requests recently to teach surfing, too, so if anyone else is interested, form a line. No, seriously, it's all girls he's teaching right now, I love it so much.
upcoming | On the most immediate horizon within the next couple of months? The Big W, as in Wedding. Granted, this will eventually be postponed due to unforeseen snow, but as of right now, Steve and Danny are starting to realize that they are in no way prepared for the wedding they tentatively agreed to have in December a little while back. Seriously, they don't even have a specific date, it's so sad. They'll be sitting down and making up those plans soon, after Steve learns that Danny wants something bigger than originally stated. He'll be finishing work on the honeymoon hut soon, too, which will free him up to do a lot more outside of ITF and fishing.
threads | Danny, Rachel, Raylan, Buffy, Kate F., Jack, Jane, Lexie, Hermione, any military-types he has either threaded with or not threaded with yet, anyone with kids (he is growing more and more used to the idea of becoming a parent, he needs the practice), anyone who wants to learn how to surf
Wichita was surprisingly louder this month, which is what I love. I always get excited when I realize I haven't completely gone dead with a voice, though I can't really put a finger on what brought her back. That being said, I'm not about to complain. She hasn't really expanded her social circle yet, but that doesn't worry me either. She's definitely the more reserved out of my pups in terms of opening up and relating to other people, and those she lets in are the ones she's closest to, and that circle in itself is already expanding, so I'm not worried. I just know that she's not going to be a social butterfly by any means, so I have to keep reminding myself of that, but I'm getting to do what I want with her, and that's awesome. She did just find out that there have been zombies on the island thanks to its crazy wacky magic, so she's started carrying her gun around again. She may be depending on it as a security blanket of sorts when Columbus isn't around. What, she's only been here a few months, give the girl a break here.
upcoming | I still do want her to tell someone her name, but I'm thinking I know who that person is going to be, shhh. Other than that, I think her blossoming friendships with other people are really what's going to benefit her overall and give her plenty of things to do - she and Olive already have a trek planned to go and see some dinosaurs, and she's going to visit Eduardo after he breaks his leg (as soon as I tag into that threaaaaad), and I want her to start spending more time with Sarah as she goes through chemo, and she and Columbus are owed some cuteness, so really, she's pretty set.
threads | Echoing more of last month: Columbus, Olive, Mark, Eduardo, Santana, Kurt, Zell, Kate G. Also, I want her to meet some of the HP kids (like Ginny, officially), and maybe some of the Skins crowd, just for the fun of it.
annie walker
FARMGROWNcovert affairs
Annie has been something of an emotional rollercoaster this month. She finally started facing up to the fact that things with Ben are probably not going to work out, which means she needs to officially start moving on. She's not going to get rid of his bracelet, though, since both she and I can't bring ourselves to make it happen. On the other hand, she's moving into a hut, and she managed to sucker Auggie into living with her, so they're going to be those two people living in a potentially romantic situation who don't even realize that's what they're doing. At present, she's just trying to fix up the place since it's been a while since anyone actually lived there, which means there's dust and no existing furniture and some bad structural stuff to contend with. She'll probably be hitting up the Building Crew for some repairs so she can go and sunbathe by the neighboring waterfall and check out the guys in all their hot, sweaty glory. Aside from the hut, she's teaching and training and chilling with friends and basically being her cheery self.
upcoming | Ahaha, the upcoming Halloween plot is going to be one of hilarity for Annie and Auggie. I don't want to give away too many details, but it will be super funny and more comical than scary. However, I would like someone, preferably one of Annie's friends, to witness her kicking ass sometime in the midst of the evil toys and realize that there's no way museum girl would be able to have the kind of fighting moves she does. It'll slowly start opening the gates for her to tell other people about her CIA status, which is something she'll still only be sharing with very close and trusted friends. (As for Annie and Auggie, we have stuff planned for them all the way to Christmas, psht, we've got it covered with these two.)
threads | Auggie, Luce, Sam, Eden, Erica, Anatoly, Baze, Zhuge, anyone she's met before and wants to talk to her again, anyone taking her classes, any of the other Island School teachers, anyone who isn't a native English speaker
ellen parsons
Okay, so there was one day I looked at Ellen's connections page and seriously LOL'd, because with the exception of Amy Pond it is ALL DUDES. As far as I'm concerned, that makes complete and total sense for her, though, because after being so thoroughly betrayed by a woman and a strong female figure - probably the strongest in her adult life - she's going to be seeking out predominantly male company more often than not, and that's basically amounted to her befriending a lot of dudes and hooking up with a select few. Which, again, makes sense if anyone knows her canon, because in the wake of what happened to David, she definitely had a few friends-with-benefits situations with several different men and never quite got around to referring to any of them as boyfriends. She's all about the casual at this point, because emotions complicated things too severely. The night of the infamous black dress was very good towards her; she and Harley hooked up in a vacant treehouse, and she's going to be getting an up-close-and-personal tour of Eames' mountain (which is not a euphemism in ANY SENSE).
upcoming | Pretty soon she's going to reach her breaking point, as reluctant as I am to tear her away from anything but senseless hookups and pretty men. It's going to manifest itself in a pure Lady Macbeth moment, wherein she flashes back to the day she wandered the streets of New York City in her underwear, covered in David's blood. It'll happen similarly here, except the blood that she sees won't actually exist, but she will be wandering around in her skivvies, so she's going to need some rescuing and some proper grief therapy eventually.
threads | Jeff, Eames, Harley, Raylan, Matt M., Sawyer, Mace, Ianto, Declan, Charles, Erik, Petyr, Amy, more women, anyone who mistakes her for someone else or she mistakes for another person, anyone who would be willing to carry her home after too many drinks
tyler winklevoss
ANHONORCODEthe social network
Okay, okay, I know I promised someone else next month, but I re-watched the movie and this bugger found a way into my head, and within four hours I had the entire app done and written and sent off to my glorious betas, so really, I think he made up my mind for me, which is fitting considering who we're talking about here. If he gets approved, he's going to be arriving from roughly the same place as Cameron did, with the difference of maybe a few seconds, so I pretty much want everyone to mistake him for Cam when he first gets to the island. He's going to have something of an adjustment process, but once he gets over that, he's going to want to help his brother work on the skiffs so they can, IDK, row to the second island and back to stay in shape. So, yes, the Winklevii will be rowing early and often, and it's safe to assume that a lot of people would witness it happening. He'll also have to smack his brother upside the head re: a certain lady friend of his, mostly just to tell him to either nut up or shut up at this point. In contrast, though, he's not going to set out looking for a girl of his own right away, and I can envision him having a few indiscretions here and there - or merely just flirting with the ladies, for a start. Unlike Cameron, Tyler is the kind of guy who could care less if you like him or not, so I don't think he's going to be as popular, but between the two of them, it'll be a hell of a party.