WoW Journal Entry

May 16, 2005 10:43

So I made a new character on my friend's server on the Alliance side (yeah, I know, I'm a traitor).
She is a female Night Elf Rogue. I named her Laurranna after Lauranna in Dragonlance. I'm such a dork :P

Wow, pretty quickly was it refreshing to play a new class on an opposing faction. And the rogue is pretty fun to play, though alarmingly cheap. But I guess that's what makes a rogue a rogue :P Also, it was severely distracting, for which I am eternally sorry to M that I couldn' keep a coherent conversation going long enough to complete a thought >,<

Each character has a set of jokes that they will tell when you type a certain emote (/silly if you want to know). "Actually, I am more of a 'morning" elf." was one of my favorites, but it doesn't top the bubbly human female (please forgive the pun) saying "I like to fart in the tub!" I died in my chair. That was one of the funniest things I have ever heard in that game.

We managed to each reach level 10. My buddy made a female Human Paladin. Who likes to fart in the tub. My other friend made a male Dwarf Warlock, but we didn't get a chance to meet up with him last night. We will be grouping tonite. Guess my undead mage is gonna get a little break, but that's okay. I figure by the time I get back to actually playing him, he will have nothing but rested XP for a couple of levels, so it wil take me no time at all to catch up to my buddies.

One last thing, keep an eye out for some WoW screenshots that I took that turned out pretty nicely. And one I took especially for M because I bought an orange tabby that looks just like her cat Gucci. See ya'll!
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