Wanna watch me liveblog Pair-ability?
Okay, I will anyway!
I don't even know why I'm doing this, I think it's procrastination mixed with pure terror and also the fact that I love to talk about things, and the Glee Project is majorly interesting to me.
(dot points because yay dot points--also because I'm fucking tired, oh my god, like, get off my case why don't you-)
Divided into handy sections so I don't kill everyone's inboxes!
(Keep in mind that I wrote/am writing this in an almost drunken stupor of exhaustion and wasn't bothered to make my words make sense. So.)
Rehearsing Need You Now:
-I KNEW IT. I KNEW CAMERON WOULD HAVE ISSUES. (I was really hoping he'd have to do something Gay though. That would've been hilarious.) It'll be interesting to see how he deals with having to kiss Marissa--I actually think they'd be a kinda cute couple.
-Lindsay and Samuel totally seem like Rachel and Puck to me right now. Oh my god my brain.
-DAMIAN AND HANNAH AHHHH I TOTALLY SHIP IT. But really, they're all cute and stuff. I absolutely love Hannah, can she win now or...
-Oh Matheus, get da hell over yourself. Alex is one fine man. And you want to be an actor, on the gayest show on television. You need to stop being uncomfortable, and stop it now. (It'd probably help if everyone stopped teasing him though, I guess.)
Performing Need You Now:
-STOP: DARREN TIME. (No literally, I will stop the video, stop my liveblogging and just talk about Darren for a while).
-Daaaaaaaaaaarrrrreeeeeeeeeeen! (Can you just, I dunno, marry me? /fangirl). He's dressed rather, um, nicely... (Okay I'm done fangirling now). And squee at "it isn't really a word..." (No really, done now.)
-It's just occuring to me how many duets the man has done. Wowza.
-Okay, Matheus, you brought it. Consider me a little more sold. (And oh wow, that face stroke at the end, I love it. :D) Darren clearly enjoyed them--oh my god, though, how embarrassing would it be for you if you couldn't 'do gay' for Darren Criss. (Again, sadist me would really love to see that go down, for how uncomfortable it could become).
-DAMIAN AND HANNAH LET ME DIE THEY SHOULD WIN. --> Seriously though, they have great chemistry, their part was really quite adorable with the subtle hand holding at the end (and given Glee's obsession with Symbolic Hand Holding, I think it'd work). I want them as a couple on my Season 3. Please.
-Darren's reactions are the best. Can I marry his face? Oh wait, that's creepy isn't it.......
-Cameron, if you could get over yourself, you would be an awesome actor. Kid is intense. (Dayum Cameron, I need a cigarette now..P)
Judging You...:
-Why do I get the feeling that the winner getting to pick their partner will be incredibly fraught? (If it is I can't wait.)
-Oh, Darren didn't like Damian and Hannah. What is this feeling. I am so confused. (Confused because I'm torn between loving Damiannah (?) and believing everything Darren ever says ever.) I dunno though, I beg to differ, I felt like the way they took it, whilst it was different to everyone else's, gave the song a different reading which wasn't necessarily wrong. Plus Glee needs couples that are not constantly attacked by Intense Dramaaaaaa.
-ITALICS. Oh, Dare...
-Oh Matheus, how thou hast grown in like 5 minutes of filming, all my prides for you.
-I'm finding it interesting that every other time Lindsay's been given a correction by a judge or whatever, she's disagreed or argued, but when Darren corrected her she was all "zomg I have to be better!". Just interesting...
-Darren so has a big old crush on Marissa. (So do I. Hah.)
-Offended!Cameron is funny, aspecially seeing as he's just been talking about not wanting to cheat on his girlfriend by Song Flirting with another girl (how very Rachel Berry).
-Hannah and Alex. Oh my god yes pleeeeease this is gon' be goooooooood.
-Please let them not ruin BICO for me ;___; (They will, won't they...)
-Matheus doing Teh Gay again, DO WANT. (I just wanted Cameron to be paired with a dude, though, okay. What can I say. I love watching the kid squirm).
(The) Duets:
-Lady is a Tramp:I'm loving Damian and Matheus' costumes. But I'm a leeeetle disappointed they're not doing something capital-G-Gay (what can I say, I would really like Glee to remain the Gayest Show On Television)... This duet is nonetheless making me very happy, their voices go well together.
-Matheus has a cool as vocal range, but how do people even make fun of that after Chris Colfer happened to television?
-"Everybody is sexy." I like this woman. Can I get that on a t-shirt?
-Nowadays:HANNAH HOW DO YOU EVEN THINK YOU'RE NOT SEXY? These two, honestly, sexiest thing ever. Their voices go together super well too. And OH MY GOD, if Glee bring in Alex as a genderqueer character, or a character in drag, I will kiss the feet of RIB for seven years, non-stop. I love being able to see Alex, or someone like him, on my screen, even just in the context of this show.
-How awkward that Darren is coaching them on his own duet. If they screw up I will laugh forever (Oh my god, I've become one of those people haven't I. Those people that watch reality tv to see other people suffer in awkward ways. Oh no...)
-DARREN YOUR FACE, I LOVE YOU. (I love that he was all "oh, the words don't even matter", because of course HE would say that, any excuse not to learn his own... Did I also mention that him throwing the paper was ridonkulously cute? Okay, I swear I won't fangirl anymore.)
-He has his yellow Raybans. He's sitting crosslegged on the piano stool. I ACTUALLY cannot.
-DYWM: I really like the way they've done this video. I like the way Samuel is a total creeper. I am feeling his creeper character, this could totally work on Glee. Marissa you are supermegafoxyawesomehot, if you don't get Glee you can happily come stay at my house. And GO YOU for that kiss and not letting anything get in the way of doing an acting job. Marissa is quickly becoming my favourite.
-Why isn't Sam wearing a shirt in his interviews? XD
-Oh. My God. Lindsay and Cameron could actually do this perfectly if they swapped the lines, and had Lindsay as the more forward, 'male' singer, and Cameron as the more coy one. That would fit so much better, but it's actually just hilarious watching them rehearse it in reverse because it doesn't work in a very comical way.
-BICO: This will never be my Klaine. I'm liking the dancy-dance that they're doing, but it totally feels like they're channeling (read: kinda copying) the version they did on the show (which I suppose is reasonable enough, given that it's, you know, same franchise and all), and Cameron is definitely super-channeling Blaine--the singing voice, the way he climbs on furniture. I still don't feel like they got the dynamic right, still seemed really reversed. (And even at the end, Lindsay being the one to kiss Cameron, not the other way around--regardless of gender stereotypes, JUST LISTEN TO THE GODDAMN LYRICS AND YOU WOULD REALISE THAT DOES NOT COMMUNICATE RIGHT TO AN AUDIENCE).
'"OMG LINDSAY KISS-ATTACKED ME!" Cameron. Oh. My god. You cannot be an actor if you cannot kiss a girl without crying to your mother about it. (I'll give him that it wasn't expected, he couldn't prepare for it, I will give him that (but, ha, Chris didn't know Darren was going to kiss him on stage in front of millions of people, and he managed...). But also kid, you totally looked like you enjoyed it, so what even.)
-So I guess this puts paid to my dream of Cameron becoming Karofsky's secret boyfriend? That is actually so disappointing.
-I'm excited to see what Ryan thinks is a trainwreck. Bring on bitchy!Ryan who is only my favourite ever. :D
The Reveal:
-I don't even know who'll be in the bottom three, because they ALL had pretty good chemistry, except maybe Cameron and Lindsay.
-OH. OKAY. THAT'S HOW YOU'RE GONNA DO IT, PICKING PAIRS EH. That's such a cheaty way out, they just didn't want to pick a bottom three. This is annoying. I'm annoyed. I wanted to see creys, I want to see pairs RIPPED APART, I wanted blood goddammit! (Um.)
-Why couldn't Hannah and Alex have done River Deep? I would nom that shit up.
-Cannot wait for Damian and Matheus' duet though.
Rehearsing the Duets:
-Oh shut it Lindsay you don't pay attention to lyrics so there, that's why you're in the bottom three/six.
-Hannah and Alex are going to be AWESOME. Yay :D
-Matheus please go away now.
Last Chance Performances:
-Ryan your face. Dying.
-"He did it in drag-" "WHAT."
-Valerie: THIS. IS AWWWESOME. The ginger hair thing, cute. Yay, Ryan's face is making me happy about this performance. I'm so loving them as a pair. Their voices just work really well together, and they bring out a really awesome quality in each others' performances. I love it.
-RYAN LOVES HANNAH, YES. YES. YES. This is awesome. They're so winning. They are so on my show next season. Yes.
-"Okay, yah." Oh Ryan, try to be a little more obviously not interested.
-These Boots: Yup, mmkay, I can see why Ryan sounded not interested, because this duet's kind of not very interesting... But I will marry Damian for those wellies. I. Love. Those. Wellies. And the harmonies are rather nice.
-OKAY, so Ryan thought THAT was the trainwreck. Mmkay. Ryan please keep insulting Matheus, I LOL.
-STOP BITCHING MATHEUS, FAR OUT. This is what I hate about reality tv like this...
-I cannot wait for Ryan bitching at Cameron. Cannot wait.
-DAMIAAAAAAAAAAAAN. Stop being so flawless. "Get in the car in five minutes, I'll work some magic." What. Even. Cameron. (Um, and he's the Christian kid? Hee XD)
-River Deep: I'm not even getting their bopdy language, it doesn't make sense with the lyrics. Again, Lindsay makes me wanna light myself on fire, but boy can she sing. And Cameron has a fine voice on him too, but I dunno if they go together so much.
-Ryan, why would you tell the Super Diva that you thought there was a place for her voice on the show. WHY. WHYYYY. I blame you for everything now.
-Woah what- he LIKED IT? He ENJOYED Cameron's inability to dissociate acting and real kissing? ("I always thought it was gonna be a girl.") Well, um, I don't even know right now..........
-Ryan totally loves Hannah. It's so on for S3.
-Ryan keeps telling Matheus to be himself, but be the "smooth crooner that I KNOW is in yourself." I think you kind of missed the point of 'being yourself' there, honey. I feel like the people that Ryan likes, he likes because he thinks they can BE something he really likes, and wants to twist them until they BECOME that.
The Announcement:
-I think I'm probably a little biased towards Alex though, because I love him so very much for almost every reason...
-"Cameron's back baby." Yeah but I really wish you weren't...
-Yaaaaaaaay, Alex isn't leaviiiiing! (I could say "fuck yes, Matheus is going home", but I figured I'd be more positive).
-Again, the Avril Lavigne thing every week is a little, um, annoying?
-Hannah's going to cry next week? I don't think I will be able to deal. And Cameron will have issues? Why am I not surprised...
Mmkay, I'm done now. I should, um, sleep. And, um, try not to fail exams. (What do those phrases mean? They do not compute...)