Feb 19, 2012 20:20
So I have been slightly absent here of late... and I am writing this note to let everyone know that it will likely continue like this, and possibly get even worse (if I even work out how to Not Procrastinate), until about November.
Because HSC, apparently, owns my life--along with debating (which, oh my god, I am not the captain, debating teachers, why do you keep getting me to do your shit ><), and dancing, and doing major works, and being on the SRC, and That Project I sincerely hope I'm doing, and... maybe sleeping? Maybe?
(I'm quite proud of myself so far. I haven't had what I'm told is the "Inevitable Year 12 Sobbing Breakdown In Front Of Everyone And Their Sister", and have somewhat successfully navigated a few people through theirs. Actually, apart from the occasional terrible mood and the procrastination, I guess I'm doing alright!)
Not the point though.
I apologise to anyone I have not replied to of late, or anyone I have not messaged/spoken to/etc. I keep meaning to, and I will (feel free to nag me if you want)... but I'm a little frazzled right now. :)
all the love,
emily is busy,
adventures in hsc,