Fandom Women Love Fest, Day One

Sep 10, 2011 20:20

(Turned out way longer than I expected...)

Miss Mercedes Jones
(This is a little late, but shhh)

Because I don't have anything better to post today, let's talk about how I ship Mercedes with Dallas Frasca songs.

(Dallas Frasca is an Australian blues-y rock singer songwriter. I saw her live once. It was awesome.)

I ship Mercedes with blues for similar reasons to why I ship her with soul music. Basically, it hurts, it is a lot a lot of hurt, and it is a lot a lot of hurt that a lot of the time you can't even do anything about. And it's hurt that doesn't scream out "I AM HURT, I AM HEARTBROKEN, THIS REALLY FUCKING SUCKS", it's more of a resigned, 'I can't fix this and you can't either, oh well' type of hurt. Which is kind of exactly Mercedes, because she can feel that hurt when she looks at Kurt or sees him fawn over Finn, or Sam, or Blaine, god can she feel it, but she knows she can't really do anything about it and as a result she feels really, really helpless. (It probably doesn't help that she gets ignored a lot of the time, except when Mr Schue needs her to 'do something black').

(The one thing that's different with soul, though, which kind of formed the basis of my imminent Mercedes fic, is it takes all that hurt and heartbreak and turns it into something beautiful and powerful.

There's a reason Mercedes always wears purple: she is so, so good at turning that vulnerability into something with a huge amount of power behind it).

And this is where we come back to Dallas Frasca, whose music has a lot of pain in it, but also carries a hell of a punch, which is something (if Dallas weren't so unknown/Australian) I would really love to see happen with Mercedes this season. I think we're going to see a lot more power and conviction with her, given that she's over Kurt now and had Sam to make her feel worth it and whatnot.

BUT ANYWAY, I am getting off track so why don't I just talk about the damn songs already...

(The annoying thing is most of her songs don't have youtube videos, nor are the lyrics online, so I'm writing them out myself).

For one thing, she has a song called 'I Like You Better When You're Straight', which is funny, but it's actually about not liking a guy because he's an alcoholic, so...

image Click to view

(Just watch the video guys, she's really hot).

Then there's 'Rid of that Shame':

"I walked down the road
I was feeling free
Healed by the power of me
Well I believe

I need to get rid of that shame

From the depths you raised your head
I saw your face and I felt glory
Reborn to clean your soul
This is a new story

Which is basically all of my feelings about Samcedes ever.

There are other songs that fit, but I'll just give you the one that is kind of my ultimate song for Mercedes ever, which I don't have a video for, but there's a live audio of it here. It's called 'Amongst the Leaves' and it's gorgeous.

"It's been a very long winter
For me so lonely and cold
I believe this group of friends
Will never beat the company of just me

It's time this young girls blossomed again,
to another foreign land,
land of understanding
Won't someone take her hand?

Them cloudy days are here again
But not for long this time
Cause I can cast a magic spell
and dictate for the sublime

Why don't you think or have no remorse
For the careless ways you've been?
You hurt me bad and lashed my heart,
but you'll never take my dreams.

Oh amongst the leaves I found a gem
It's a secret and it's mine.
You'll never know and I'll never tell
But it's in this very rhyme.

So that about covers that...

Tomorrow I might post an excerpt from my Mercedes fic (one of the, er, happier moments), we'll see.

(If you got through this godawful ramble, I commend you).

glee, dallas frasca, australia, fandom women love fest, miss mercedes jones, mercedes jones, music

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