-n’t believe that horrible, horrible man would do this to me. [A huffing sigh] The nerve! After stepping all over my lovely face, and dragging me by my hair -
Will! WILL! William T. Spears, if you think for one minute that dropping me here on a ship in the middle of I don’t even know what part of the ocean even begins to resemble a fair
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[There's no way for her to hide her surprise and uncertainty.]
Are... you all right?
I was attempting to be polite, Sir...
I am very sorry! I was not... I did not... That is...
[She considers she may just dig her hole deeper if she continues to talk.]
Please pardon me. It is rude of me to assume anything.
I am Zelda, the princess of Hyrule. Please, pardon my trespasses and I truly did not mean to offend.
You have been brought aboard the ship, the Elegante, I believe is the name. If you were to inquire of a crew member, you would be informed that we are set on the course toward the 'Golden Shore', though beyond that, I am afraid I do not have further information for you, Miss.
A privilege at the very least. Are you finding your quarters suitable with your arrival...? I would hope that the others here are being kind to you.
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