(snagged from
1 ★ Create a graphic (200 x 200 max size) to represent your personal "candy". It should have your username on it, but otherwise can feature whatever you want. Make it something special since it's self-representative.
2 ★ Make a post with the subject "trick or treat?". Put your "candy" somewhere in it, and be sure to repost these instructions.
3 ★ Then, go around other people's LJs and reply to them with either "trick" or "treat." If you reply with "trick," they will give you an LJ/DW/Twitter/tumblr dare that you have to perform before taking their candy. If you're too wimpy for that, simply say "treat" and take their candy. (See example
4 ★ List all your collected candies in your original "trick or treat?" post to show off your collection.
My eye candy:
idk I couldn't decide /o\...
My collected candy:
All the stuff I have to do:
arieo: You have to capslock Changmin scream the last word in every one of your next 25 original tweets.
☢natsudive:use "dat bitch" before
every exo member's
name until monday
when referring to
them on twitter um
YOU JUST LOST THE GAME (⊙ヮ⊙) [thursday]
☢poksaywhat: for an entire week, end every 5th tweet (@ or non-@ tweets) with BBUINGBBUING! followed by either
this or
this [friday night]
☢goldfreckled: At every 5th tweet you're possessed by Kris. Act like it!
☢becquinho: end all your tweets with 'the desire of my heart' for the next 72 hours
☢hologrphcbuddha: For the next 3 days you must pretend to ship victoria/tao and make frequent tweets full of innuendo about her flexibility and/or his wushu stick. The nastier the better. Have fun!
☢halcyondusk: write a public post declaring your love for fanxing complete with all the colours of the rainbow, links to pictures, and obnoxious font face and font size changes n______n
☢nickymin: kekekekekeke u are to called luhan ur fungus in every other tweet u do. example: my fungus lulu [friday 2am]
☢dj-retro: For 48 hours you will refer to Kris as the Lord of Rap. [friday 6:30pm]