[The camera flicks on. There's a bright red
flower on screen. Then, as he moves the camera away, you get a shot of some boots, white socks, khaki shorts, then, eventually, his face.]
There's some brilliant flowers around here. So many different shades of red. They're quite wonderful, don't you think?
[He points the camera at another
flower, this time up a tree] Have you seen this one?
This is fascinating.
I hope there's no yaetevos. They can be very dangerous. [Camera's back on him. There's a pointed look for someone out there. Then it jolts a little as Eddie jumps up, and then whispers to the camera.]
Something moved. I'm going to see if it's got a barcode.
[feed ends. He's gone to check out a scorpion's barcode. This will end badly.]
[Private to Jane - much, much later. voice.]
Jane. Jane! [he sounds completely terrified] Help, Jane. [the following comes out all in one, long, panicky breath]
I was doing alright but it's dark Jane it's dark and Victor made a fire which is alright I guess but it's still pretty dark out there and I can't see anything and I know there's stuff out there poisonous stuff and dangerous stuff and I don't want to be nightloss Jane I just don't please help Jane something's going to eat me or someone's going to kill me with a daylighter or something terrible will happen and I won't make it back and I don't want to die out here I just don't.
[pause, deep breath,]
Why can't the sun come up?
((ooc: feel free to spam him anywhere you like. He'll mainly be adventuring in the daytime.))