MCA #0, Sunday afternoon

Feb 04, 2007 12:53

Despite his worry over whatever had attacked Bridge and Parker having been relieved on Friday, Xander was still antsy. Possibly the whole thing where certain (possibly all) of his friends were still in danger and it was a good thing he was unaware exactly how much.

So he was sitting in the den, alternating between staring out the newly-glassed patio door, and channel-flipping. Bitterwoman, Bitterwoman, America's Funniest Home Surgeries... Oooh, Fix My House For Free! He liked that one. Mostly because it gave him an excuse to yell at the tv that it was clearly three days edited down to one and who the hell did they think they were fooling.

[ooc: For lilpunkinbelly]

peter pevensie, mel, dawn, parker, mca0, bridge

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