SPD Earth, Bridge and Xander's Quarters, 2023

Sep 16, 2008 23:48

When you're living in the future with no job to speak of and not much to do but watch tv with alien subtitles and answer e-mails from your fellow alumni, shockingly enough there's plenty of time for things like preparing an anniversary dinner.

Not that he didn't know that traditionally one month was like the Kleenex Anniversary or something, but dude. He was a Harris. Well, an ex-Harris. One month without even threats of divorce or flying crockery was probably a new world record for his family.

And thus there was Chinese food, because it was something not made by a synthesizer, it was something he could walk in off the street and order without being afraid humans couldn't actually digest it, and oh yeah -- it was what they'd eaten on their first date.

[OOC: for the S-word person! No, not you, Sean Connery.]

rory, z, cruger, bridge

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