Not that he had a problem with guests or he wouldn't have asked them to stay in the first place, but sometimes you needed to just get out and clear your head, which was why Xander was up on the roof, staring out at the town.
After what Angelus had done to Willow,
Claire and
Veronica, asking
Mel not to kill him had been.....he really didn't want to think about what it had been, actually. Xanders traditionally attempt to avoid this thing called "self-examination." Worrying about
other people is so much more fun. Oh wait, no. But at least he could distract himself by
doing something useful. Sort of. Except that despite the fact that he and Dawn had the
Best. Slayer. Ever.*, Willow was
still asleep, so right now he wasn't feeling all that useful. Mostly just
Yeah, that head-clearing thing was working out really well.
*This statement has not been tested by the Food and Drug Administration. Consume Slayer at your own risk. Contents may settle during shipping. Batteries not included. Please check side of box for which model of Best. Slayer. Ever. is contained within:
dark, or
[OOC: For... anybody who'd have a reason to wander up to the MCA roof.]