Dear Willow:
So you know how sometimes you're not sure if
something will
work, and then
it does, and then you're
not so sure if that's a good thing after all?
I gave your time-travel spell-thingie to Mel, and it went okay except for the part where it dragged a whole bunch of us with her. Including little-you, which was supposed to be one of those good-thing things, since she can do the souly spell, and Mel has a brother and they used to have a sister and I think I mentioned heart-in-a-box.
Except -- hold your shock -- that was a trick and she was still alive. Keep holding --
Dawn got kidnapped. Take a wild guess
who by. And when half of us went to
rescue her, little-you was back at the base trying to do that voodoo that you do.
It worked. It worked, and he still killed their sister. For real this time. Who does that? I mean aside from every whacked-out serial killer out there who didn't get his blood sucked out and replaced with demon-juice, so I guess I just answered my own question, but jesus, buddha and the flying spaghetti monster. It's supposed to make a difference. Not make it worse.
I don't know what to
do for her, you know?
Going back to the future again tomorrow, but this time it's the Big Scary Meet The Parents thing. I'd ask if you could whip me up a safety spell to make sure I come back alive, but the cheap death gags are falling a little flat this week.
love, Xander