MCA #0, Friday Night

Jun 22, 2007 22:57

Xander is typing an e-mail. As you do.

Subject: This, That, Other

1. Parker got mugged. And sent me Pepper Vodka. You should e-mail her and ask who you can turn into a toad. Even if you don't do that toad-turny thing anymore, just the threat would make her feel better, I think.

2. Yeah, still helping with re-constructing the school. Also got to put my hand in with some repair work on the Principal's house.

3. Mel may actually like Twinkies more than I do. Plz to check if this is sign of apocalypse, y/n? While you're checking, got anywhere yet on whether we can get her home?

4. Bridge wants me to meet his parents. Help.

5. .............Now would be a good time to mention we're dating again, wouldn't it.

Well, ok, Xander is staring at the screen with his finger poised over the delete key. But that's sort of like typing, right?
[OOC: For the Space Cadet who doesn't wear yellow. Not that Xander doesn't love her too. Just not in the same way. Really, really not in the same way.]

mel, zuko, john winchester, zoe, parker, conner, construction, bel, bridge

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