
Nov 22, 2009 20:40

I see an HH player has been playing on the TVTropes Wild Mass Guess page for Metalocalypse. XD

Skwisgaar's father is Odin.
Hell, it's as good an explanation as any. Alternately, Skwisgaar's father is Mr. Wednesday.

Which is one I could believe, considering Dethklok's music is shown to have a practically supernatural effect on people and the environment, and Skwisgaar's responsible for writing most/all of it. I think Toki's death curse could possibly hint at some kind of divine/unholy parentage too. But I don't think it's any one member of the band who causes the widescale madness and death that follows Dethklok, but all 5 of them together, which has been heavily hinted at in canon as well-the symbols and planets and carved idols, etc., depicting the band. I'd love to see this played with in HH the way it has been in other games and fanfic, where like, one of the guitarists playing alone can cause a storm to build, and the more members who join in with the jam session, the bigger the effect, until there's this massive lightning storm going on and things are crawling out of Hogwarts lake...

It'd be neat. It could also be its own chocolate plot-people hear their music and strange things start happening to them.

There's a few other interesting new theories on that page, too.

Someone should point out that Nathan was the only one who even looked noticeably upset at Ofdensen's funeral. I would say that's proof he didn't know Ofdensen was still alive, or Nathan could have been faking it and did know he was alive... though, is Nathan that good of an actor?

ETA: Lol computer still on Japantime. *fixes date*

ETA2: After watching the newest episode...

That doctor was gay for Murderface! XD And that was totes a cute Nathan/Pickles moment in Ofdensen's office, and in my personal canon Ofdensen was secretly jealous. Despite believing Pickles was [spoiler]ing and all. Death curse or no death curse, Toki is the most painfully unmetal member of Dethklok ever, but I do love his weird little musical numbers and his Lisa Frank acid trip daydreams/headspace. And how cutesy he is. Yes, sorry Toki, haha.

The first episode of the season was about the entire band and Ofdensen, the second was mostly Toki's, and I'd say this one was mostly Pickles' and Murderface's with a side of Nathan and Toki, which brings me to Skwisgaar. Why is he such a total nonentity this season, aside from a few little moments here and there that are mainly him being a foil for other characters? It's disappointing, because I love me some Skwis. Maybe 'his' episode is still coming. If it isn't, I'm going to assume it might have something to do with losing Tommy Blacha as a writer (he's still involved with the show, obviously, just doesn't write for it now).

And finally... Poor Nathan, he looked so horrified at the end. And yet he didn't even blink when that souped up redneck monster truck plowed into his school as a child and killed his teacher and classmates. I guess his dentist gets to go frolic with Toki's ex-kitty now. Also, I was expecting one of the band members to get his balls accidentally chopped off at the start of the episode, mostly Toki or Skwis, because lulz.

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