Sep 26, 2010 09:31
it is done. don't know why it wont let me edit the entry. this "special area" stays blank,
after all the text with it's formatting lingo flashes for a second. whatever. i still posted it.
then found i didn't subject line right, and almost shat myself thinking i only posted the
second part, but labled it part one of two. this is a bit traumatic for me, but at least i'm
trying. how far the mighty have fallen. what did our eth say about the way to guarantee
failure, oss? lemme look it up...
'Those whom the Gods wish to destroy, they first call Promising,' oh. better than i thought
because it's "promising". holding out hope. all that. don't like writing in this. can you tell.
i don't.
if i did, would i think LESS or MORE?