Name: Kiwi
spudjuiceContact: AIM snailyjayne
Character Name: Haruhi Suzumiya
Series: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
Gender: Female
Age & Canon Point: 16, post-anime + movie
Requested Sponsor: Kryptonite. She's a reality-warper, she can have her own sponsor that's better and more alien than everyone else's! ...ideally, it'd be Opal, but it's kind of full and now I'm having a hard time picking another. Sapphire, maybe.
Entry position: Cadet
hereAbilities & Physical Abnormalities: Though she is completely clueless about it, Haruhi has the power to warp reality and bend it to her will. She has been at the root of numerous strange situations, and the laws of probability don't always behave themselves around her. Though her power isn't fully understood, it's suggested that she may be the reason the supernatural things she wants to meet are, as of three years prior to her beginning high school, real.
Although the more direct effects of Haruhi's powers are usually restrained by her common sense, they can manifest in rather worrying ways. While making a student film, for example, Haruhi caused pigeons to turn into doves, cherry blossoms to bloom in autumn, made a cat talk, and granted a girl laser beam eyes.
As for the not-so-direct effects, Haruhi's stress and frustration creates little dimensional pockets ("closed space"), where giant blue avatars destroy their surroundings. This does not usually have an effect outside of that pocket, and they are usually fought off by an organisation of espers. However, when it becomes too much, she can wipe out a whole reality and make a new one that's more to her liking. She is known to have done this twice: the first time being three years prior to her starting high school, and the second time after a bout of jealousy during her first year of high school. Although the first incident was the cause of the paranormal becoming real, during the second incident she was successfully convinced that the current world was good enough as it was.
Personality: Haruhi is smart, attractive and athletic, and well known throughout her high school for being good at almost everything. She's also known for being insane. According to her, humans are boring, and she only wants to speak with aliens, espers, time travellers, sliders, and anything else that's weird and awesome. She constantly searches for something new, special and different to do, in an effort to keep things interesting.
In a conversation with the down-to-earth, despairingly ordinary Kyon, Haruhi gets the idea of forming her own club. The result? Haruhi gets weirder. Suddenly, the cold indifference and perpetual frown vanish, and she becomes full of impulsive, boundless energy. She forces Kyon to form a club with her, takes over the Literary Club's room for their club room, drags the second year student Mikuru Asahina into it (for having big breasts and a cute face) and, soon after, Itsuki Koizumi (as a "mysterious transfer student"). Yuki Nagato is not technically a member of the club, but Haruhi appears to think otherwise and decides that she is the "essential silent character." This is the SOS Brigade, it is her club, and she will do what the hell she wants with it!
Outwardly, Haruhi is demanding, forceful, aggressive, controlling and competitive. She is very prone to jumping to conclusions based on ridiculous logic, or deciding that something has to be a certain way (you have to do x, y and z during summer, and if you're going to be a maid you should drop the serving tray one in every three times). She refuses to let an opportunity pass her by, and she will take on any challenge, participate in all festivals and events that come up, look into anything that could be a paranormal happening, and will fully commit herself (and her club, regardless of what they may want) to doing the best they can. She has high standards, but believes her club can and will do anything she puts them up for.
However, she has little regard for the feelings of others, and prefers to ignore many social norms. It isn't that she doesn't know social norms, as she is seen following them when interacting with certain adults - she just doesn't see the point most of the time. Some of her worst behaviour comes out in her treatment of Mikuru: she forces her to dress up in a whole variety of fanservice outfits, uses her to blackmail the computer club by setting up a "sexual harassment" shot, and when producing a student film for the culture festival she gets Mikuru drunk to "improve her acting." She does seem to feel guilty when she makes Mikuru too upset to attend school, but for the most part she considers this to be simply fun and assumes Mikuru feels the same. Haruhi has her limits, but hasn't quite learned where they are yet.
Over time, Haruhi does soften. She becomes more willing to listen to her club, assists other students who are in need, and eventually treats the SOS Brigade more as a club for general fun than for achieving the goal she originally set out. In part, this is perhaps because she is maturing, and leaving behind the “fantasies” she wishes were real. However, Kyon is also a major factor: despite her taking him for granted, Kyon is the person she cares for the most, and the one who ultimately keeps her grounded. When she attempted to change reality, it was because Kyon was not paying enough attention to her, Kyon was the only person she wanted to stay, and it was Kyon who convinced her to keep the world the same way. When he was in a coma for several days, Haruhi refused to leave his side and slept in his hospital room.
She does, however, deny all this. She feels awkward and embarrassed when people show appreciation, and is genuinely modest when she discusses it. If she does something for a Brigade member, she will always state that it is because they're part of the Brigade and never because they are her friends. Importantly, she is not able to express her feelings for Kyon.
When it comes down to it, the very root of Haruhi's behaviour was the realisation that she was not special - she is rebelling against being a face in the crowd, one of millions with the same experiences growing up, going to school, and so onwards. It was likely this realisation that caused the world to change three years ago. It is suggested that Haruhi, as much as she hopes and wishes otherwise, does not actually believe that the paranormal exists, as she is smart enough to have far more common sense than she wants to admit. However, making the effort is very important to her, and when actually presented with the strange - such as being pulled into her own closed space, and facing the monster she had unknowingly created - she is delighted rather than scared.
What are your plans for the character in-game? Abuse Mikuru and assume she's been brain-damaged. Oh, you know. Be awesome, make films, organise a WONDERFULLY PLOTTED Garden-wide murder mystery...
Anything else? Third time's a charm?
Complete TWO out of the FOUR options.
i) IC Questionnaire
(As this questionnaire is entirely IC, your character is free to lie.)
What do you prefer to be known as? Super Ultimate Brigade Chief, Haruhi Suzumiya.
How old are you? Does that even matter? Sixteen!
Do you have any history in combat? Nope!
If so, have you ever killed? I said no. Geez. This is why reading questions off a list is dumb.
i) How do you feel when you get involved in some project that calls for immediate and rapid activity?
Go forth! Get moving! Attaaaaack! There's no point hanging around uselessly!
ii) Do you organize and initiate leisure activities?
Well, if I don't do it, who else is going to? Besides, all anyone else ever comes up with is boring and stupid. Things are more fun when we do it my way!
iii) What role do you take when working in a group?
Ehhh? What part of "Super Ultimate Brigade Chief" didin't you get? I'm the leader, of course! Always and absolutely! I refuse to bow down to anyone else!
iv) How talkative are you around other people?
Enough. I get what needs to be said said.
v) What three things would you want to have with you on a desert island? State your reasoning.
Three things? Well... you said you'd teach me magic, right? Then I'd take magic powers! That way, I'll be able to solve any problem I run into! Oh, and if these things are free, I'd like a plugsuit and a giant robot too - I've always wondered what it would be like to pilot a giant robot, so what better chance?
vi) Is it important to be liked by a wide range of people?
Not really.
vii) When the odds are against you, is it worth taking a chance?
Of course! Absolutely, no doubt! Number one rule: you don't get anything without working for it. That applies to everything!
viii) Do you consider yourself to be an impulsive person?
You bet I do! Things work out better this way!
ix) Would you agree that planning things ahead takes the fun out of life?
Live for the moment! Do what you can when you can, and good things will come to you! If you can't do it, try anyway! Why bother laying out boring, strict plans and schedules when all they'll do is get in the way? Those things are for everyone else.
x) Do you like surprises?
I love surprises!
xi) Do you sometimes wonder if there is something wrong with you?
xii) Do you consider yourself to be smarter than your superiors, and disagree with their decisions?
I listen to my teachers, if that's what you're asking. Even if they're being stupid.
xiii) Lastly, how do you feel about cabbages?
They're a vegetable, and a boring vegetable at that. What else is there to think?
xvi) Eh? Is that it? How pointless. What kind of use can you get out of this idiotic string of questions? You don't even get real answers out of it... hey, give me that piece of paper! I'll come up with some really good ones you can use next time! You're being presented with aliens and time travellers and all sorts of awesome stuff, so you should fish for real information! Then you can publish it - you seem like the bookish type, so writing it out won't be any trouble at all!
iv) Thread link