....losing my temper, angry much?

Mar 12, 2006 16:09

This like the thrid weekend in a row where I got little to no sleep.
1st: the trip to City Island. Which is really beautiful by the way and Sammy's had really good food.
2nd: Senior Trip, need I say more?
3rd: Rachel's long overdue was supposed be her sweet sixteen party.
It was really good pasrty, I danced....for a long while too! Even saw people
from Dewey, that was bit surprising. KInda cool but kinda eee!

Friday was nice. Lana and I wen to the beach. It was really good, it was nice and
pretty warm day out. The fried chicken was good, duh! its chicken and we talked and chilled.
Even got a picture of a kite and a group of Jews passing by on the broadwalk.
Good Times, good times.

Anyway, on a much happier note, not really:

So tired. Completely spent.
Geez, if you dont care as much as you fucking say you do,
Let it go, Let it go.
I am so done with trying to explain myself and try to mend fences and shit, on something and someone that is always proving that its a wasted effort and that proves to me youre not worth it, not at all.
Its a lost cause, why bother?
I shouldn't bother being nice and trying to be understanding and sincere, when you seem to enjoy doing everything opposite of that.
So fuck it, fuck you. I dont care anymore, I am sooo done. I probably sound like a super uber bitch right now, I could honeslty right now I could care less.
As much as this hurts to say, let it and like I cant anymore, I really can't. I think i am reaching my breaking point.
My niceness has been taken for granted, and I am tired of that, I will biggest bitch to you and I can do that, thats a promise.

Saint, I am? No, I know that. I had made mistakes, some pretty bad ones at that and I wasn't the most perfect girlfriend, but like fucking chill. ay dios mio

By the way, Thanks for being
stupid, petty, stressful, a complete asshole to me after last summer, for making me feel horrible and holding me responsible for your contempleting suicide, how can you say that? seriously, at times mean, hurtful, for being the first one to crush my heart and making me 3 times as more insecure than I already was, and oh yeah, the icing on the cake, for cheating.

If its me you are refering too, you know "the deleting friends, blah blah, on myspce shit". I didn't delete you, or anyone on my list by the way, I dont even know how to do that!
OH whatever,

Whoa, I can't believe that I would agree with one of my freshman espcially one that does nothing but cause trouble and is pretty silly.
In the words of Amer, Rotten...I completely agree with him.

Oh, Karma. I hope karma....arrgh. I can't even like speak...type. arrgh.

Exboyfriends...not really, just one in particular....arrgh!
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