
Mar 08, 2004 13:46

In nomen of Deus , immunda animus of victus mortuus vadum exsisto profugus in eternus damnation. Amen. Yeah. That's the prayer on my background picture in Latin. I like Latin. I am in the Media Center. This is pretty funny. The vending machine outside opened in between 9th and 10th period and bunch of people looted it. I laughed. It was pretty funny. I am going to try to get Fergie to pick me up after detention. Billy is supposed to go to the mall with him after school so I figured while they pass here it wouldn't be much of a problem to stop by since I need to see Fergie to see if he is going to store any of his stuff at my house while he is in the Army. I dunno...I would like some of his weapons and books but I doubt he would trust me with his weaponry.... I really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really love Michelle. No, people, I did not copy and paste. I typed that...19 times on my own. I think I am going to kiss her on the way out to the buses....Right before I go to my detention with Mr. Colliflower =\ I hate Mr. Colliflower, though he is pretty smart and better than a lot of teachers. HIS FUCKING DETENTION LASTS UNTIL FUCKING 3:30! FUCK THAT! I would rather have a Tuesday school!...wait, no I wouldn't. They're even longer. Blah. I want to see Michelle right now. I wish I could be with her all the time. I'm so whipped :P. I'm her ©®ãz¥ B몮! Anyways...I got bored. I gots tons of work I have to do to catch up in school. School fucking sucks. It's stupid. I already know everything they're trying to teach me. I already fucking know it. That's fucking stupid. They don't listen when I tell them that I already know it. They should test me. They should test me on what they're supposed to teach me for the year and if I ace it, they should let me stay home the entire year since I already know all that stupid shit. Yeah. That would be nice. I don't know what else to talk about. I want to play Halo at some point today....

→I ♥ Michelle Allen←
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