Avengers-DCU crossover fic

Oct 23, 2012 18:29

God of Lies, Lasso of Truth
Author: mosellegreen AKA Kadorienne
Summary: In hopes of understanding and ending Loki's villainy, Thor seeks to bind the silver-tongued God of Lies with Wonder Woman's golden lasso of truth. Meanwhile Nick Fury, Batman, Amanda Waller and Mycroft Holmes start a secret clubhouse.
Pairings: Thor/Loki, Tony Stark/Bruce Wayne, Wonder Woman/Captain America, Pepper Potts/Anthea [from Sherlock].
Fandoms: Marvel movie-verse, DCU, slight BBC Sherlock
Notes: Thank you to grey_bard, omlteaufromage, almell and heathersparrows for betaing. Thank you to grey_bard and omlteaufromage for making valuable suggestions for plot details and tolerating my zombie-like state while writing this. Thank you to grey_bard for being my Marvel canon consultant.
The entire fic is completed though still undergoing final beta-ing of later chapters and I will be posting one chapter every day.

character: nick fury, character: pepper potts, character: jane foster, character: frigga, fan: fanfiction, film: captian america, character: odin, film: the avengers, film: thor, crossover, character: tony stark (iron man), character: clint barton (hawkeye), character: loki, film: iron man, character: thor

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