Jul 01, 2010 23:52
To be honest, there's no real clear-cut way to define the limitations on Chase's abilities... simply because there really aren't any. Covenant-verse witchcraft has seemingly unlimited potential, though it is mostly used by all of the film's characters in the form of telekinesis. Most spells don't appear to require incantations or ritual, but instead rely on the stamina of the witch using them.
As specifically seen in-canon, Chase can conjure up all manner of things from illusions to spiders to nightmares and ghosts and even illnesses. He's seen using it to teleport, throw about energy attacks, convert his whole form into mist and control the elements, but that's not all he can do.
Of course, Chase has all the magic that was his birthright, which is more than enough... but also his Father's share. Powerful doesn't even begin to describe him.
Magic, above all else, is addictive, and Chase is a junkie.
Witches (or at least those that descend from the 5 bloodlines in the Covenant) are pretty much limited solely by their imagination... and their fragile human bodies. Each time it is Used, the Power takes bits of the lifespan and ages them in direct correlation; the most obvious demonstration of this is in Caleb's Father, who Used too much magic too frequently in his lifetime. At the age of 44, he has the body of someone well over 100, and barely any mental faculties left; he cannot move or take care of himself anymore, even with magic.
Putting it mildly, Chase is on this same exact path. He has no self-control. He doesn't sleep much, maybe a few hours every couple nights because he can't go eight solid hours without Using (throughout the course of the film, he frequently wakes Caleb up in the middle of the night by doing so.) It's gotten him caught multiple times by people, but rather than learn to control himself, he just makes habit of murdering them to cover his tracks. He's reckless and untrained, which is the reason that even though they were matched at the end in terms of sheer, brute strength... Caleb still beat him thoroughly.
He is essentially self-taught, and reasonably creative too, but despite the fact that he abuses his power so frequently, he still doesn't fully understand it. He also doesn't want to, as shown when he flips out at Caleb for telling him that becoming more powerful won't stop him from destroying himself.
At the rate he's burning himself out, Chase will survive to maybe 35, 40 at the oldest, but his body will be wrecked by then... and he knows it.
The prototypical psychopath has deficits or deviances in several areas: interpersonal relationships, emotion, and self-control. Psychopaths gain satisfaction through antisocial behavior, and do not experience shame, guilt, or remorse for their actions. Psychopaths lack a sense of guilt or remorse for any harm they may have caused others, instead rationalizing the behavior, blaming others, or denying it outright. Psychopaths also lack empathy towards others in general, resulting in tactlessness, insensitivity, and contemptuousness. All of this belies their tendency to make a good, likable first impression. Psychopaths have a superficial charm about them, enabled by a willingness to say anything without concern for accuracy or truth. Shallow affect also describes the psychopath's tendency for genuine emotion to be short lived and egocentric with an overall cold demeanor. Their behavior is impulsive and irresponsible, as they often have a markedly distorted sense of the potential consequences of their actions, not only for others, but also for themselves. They do not deeply recognize the risk of being caught, disbelieved or injured as a result of their behavior.
Often described as "predators," Elsewhere Hare and other notable experts write that psychopaths "use charisma, manipulation, intimidation, sexual intercourse and violence" to control others and to satisfy their own needs. Hare states that: "Lacking in conscience and empathy, they take what they want and do as they please, violating social norms and expectations without guilt or remorse." He previously stated that: "What is missing, in other words, are the very qualities that allow a human being to live in social harmony."
According to Hare, many psychopaths are superficially charming and can excellently mimic normal human emotion; some psychopaths can blend in, undetected, in a variety of surroundings, including corporate environments.
Signs and Symptoms:
Persistent lying or stealing
Apparent lack of remorse or empathy for others
Poor behavioral controls - expressions of irritability, annoyance, impatience, threats, aggression, and verbal abuse; inadequate control of anger and temper.
Tendency to violate the boundaries and rights of others.
Substance abuse.
Aggressive, often violent behavior; prone to getting involved in fights.
Inability to tolerate boredom.
Disregard for safety of self/others.
[character] bio