Jan 29, 2005 00:37
1)whats the 4 things you like most about me?
2)Do you consider me someone you trust to tell things to?
3)What annoys you about me?
4)Have you ever missed me?
5)Whats the best memory you have with me?
6)What thing/place makes you think of me?
7)How would you describe my personality?
8)If u didnt know me and you just saw me at some random place what would you think of me?
((Lets see what you know))
1)Whats my fav. color?
2)Whats my fav sport?
3)What color are my eyes?
4)Whats my fav thing to eat?
5)Do i have any pets?
6)Do i have any brothers or sisters?
7)Do i like working?
8)What do i want for my first car?
((Who are you))
1)Whats your name?
2)How long have i known you?
3)Are we close?
4)Do you like being around me or do i annoy you?
5)Do you go to the same school as me?
6)How long has it been since ive seen you last?
7)If you could have one wish what would it be?
8)Whats your fav food?
9)Whats your fave color?
10)Whats your fav song (at the moment)?
11) Have we ever kissed?
12)Play any sports?
13) Whats 3 things you miss
14) whats something you regret?
15) If you were stranded on an island for a month who would you wanna be there with and whats 3 things you would bring?
16) What are 6 things you look for in a girl/guy?