These are the sims used to model those three genensims skins I edited.
Judith is a saucy little foreigner who flaunts her unique skin and prominent ears with pride. She loves having her picture taken, and hates looking through telescopes. She prefers to remain detached from her past and the race of people she comes from and is eager to have new experiences and meet new people, but she is stubborn, independent, and rather selfish which prevents her from forming close relationships. Not that she needs them anyway; to her, life is a one-woman show.
~Download Judith~
Cybele never understood why her skin had to be the way it was. To Cybele, she has a deformity and because of it she will never be accepted. She confines herself inside the house, living with her brother and one of his friends: a woman named Judith who is renting out one of their spare bedrooms until she can afford her own. She spends her time painting, sewing, and making pottery that she never sells, because she doesn't feel that it's good enough.
~Download Cybele~
Apollo knows he's a little different, but unlike his sister he hasn't let that stop him.. well, he's decided to stop letting it stop him. As a kid, he and his sister kept to themselves and both developed shyness and insecurities, but as Apollo grew older he decided he had to force himself out of his shell, and he's made quite a lot of progress. He is extremely kind and active, and his playful side seems to be coming out more and more.
~Download Apollo~ These little blurbs are only the way I play them in my game, of course,
and you should feel free to play them however you want.
And if you'd like to change their skins to something more natural, go ahead.
I'd love to see pictures of them in your game and please refer to my sim policy:
basically, just don't claim them as your own.
Enjoy, and have a nice day!