Ranseive: part 4

Feb 25, 2011 18:07

Nenette and Walker (above) are at the stage in their relationship where they talk on the phone every day but rarely see each other in person.

To recap: Nenette lives with Danila and her son Yvain. Nenette and Walker (who has a daughter named Dodie) are forming a sort of relationship. Also, Dido and Antwerp (husband and wife) have settled into a new house. Antwerp is a "slacker" and Dido produces pottery, sewing, and paintings for them to make some money off of. Also, Joule and Priscilla have a pretty intimate relationship, but haven't become "official" yet in any way.

Note: The only sims I don't have available directly from this journal are the ones submitted for pixel_trade  as founders, and those are linked to here on my master-list of downloads. All of my sims available for download on this journal can also be found under my ' sim_to_download' tag. And all of my picspam-type updates like this one are under the new ' ranseive' tag.

We find ourselves again in the home of Joule, who lives with a roommate Clang (watching TV) and last time we saw them they got a new cat, Sprig!

Some of you may remember Beryl, who had an affair with Nenette's husband. That relationship didn't last, however, and Beryl now shares a small house with two men, one of them being Elliot Pertulle.

Beryl is a romance sim, and it shows. (The mystery sim is one I hope to share as a pixel_trade founder next month!)

Hmm.. note the parallels of purple and light blue in this picture.

Dodie walked by..

Clang was nice enough to make supper for everyone.

And Beryl was nice enough to do the dishes.

Once the uninvited quests left, Joule invited over the person he really wanted to see. (Priscilla)

Now that they're actually dating, Priscilla gets to meet the roommate.

And that's pretty much how they all spent the night.

Now we'll travel a few houses over to Visit Dido and Antwerp:

They boogeyed out of their house to go adopt a pet.

His name is Oscar.

Dido and Antwerp decided it would be nice to go out to eat together, despite not having much spending money.

And they decided to sit at different tables..

Well, at least Oscar isn't doing any of those things at the house.

This is what was waiting for them when they got home.

The whole household helped clean up the mess.

(that jaguar is by eefje00704 )

Antwerp lost his level 1 job in the slacker career.. yeah.

He didn't handle it very well.

But Dido knew how to make him forget all about his job.

And she made him some nice grilled cheese after they were done.

Antwerp is making that face because the cat has a job and he doesn't.

Dido finally got pregnant!

And she gave birth all alone in the bathroom. Antwerp didn't even come to see the baby.

She's a little girl named Anita!

Thanks for reading! I have two more updates to post, and I think I'll post them later tonight.

Have a great day!

ranseive, picspam, pictures, sims

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