Turpentine Legacy Gen 2.0/2.1

Jun 25, 2010 18:13


"Hey Guys, I know it's been a while. I've just been so busy with college and everything, it's taken me a while to gather all of my photos together to show you what's been happening. If you don't remember who I am, my name is Alula Turpentine. I'm the daughter of Helm Turpentine, and I found out a few weeks ago that I'm the new heir of the Turpentine Legacy! Can you believe it? I can't thank you enough for your votes, I'm so happy you all like me so much! Anyway, this is the first update so forgive me if it's a little scattered, I've never been too good with a camera, and I seem to be missing pictures of a lot of important things.."

"My siblings and I were all sent to college together, and I was glad to have that time with them before we had to move apart.. They all live together now, but I just have to tell you about Piedmont."

"He met this girl, named Jackie."

note: she's not a pixel_trade sim, she's a game-generated dormie.

"My big brother, who's always been so shy and quiet, was the first one of us to find love. We're all really happy (and surprised!) for him."

"We lived in a 5 person dorm, so it was Gulliver, Fidelia, Piedmont, Jackie, and Me all living together. And we did spend most of our free time in study groups, doing assignments, and building our Skills. We all made the dean's list by graduation."

"After Graduation, Piedmont, Gulliver, and Fidelia bought a house back in Visitera. They live there now, and they've all found jobs that they really like."

"And of course, Piedmont and Jackie got married."

"I can't wait to meet my nieces and nephews."

"As for me, as soon as I got home I hopped right in my car. Time to go find someone to help me continue this legacy, although I admit I'm a little nervous about settling down and having kids, I hope I'll be a good mother and find someone to marry who'll be a good father, too."

"I spotted a few guys I liked already.. Like Eric (olivethegreat )"

also seen: girl w/ brown hair is Finchy by smustleparty

"But right after I went to talk to Eric, Orville (javabean_dreams ) came right over and complimented me!"

"But he told me he hated elephants! How could anyone hate elephants!?!?"

Hector by  popcorn_bucket

"I really liked how Orville had approached me himself, though. So I wanted to try to get to know him better."

"And guess what? He told me he was just kidding before, he totally loves elephants."


And that's it for now, I have two more updates already cropped and ready to upload so I'll be posting those really soon. And by soon I mean.. maybe in 10 minutes. I've also just started playing my round of my Mythos round robin and I'll post an update for that ASAP! I've caught some kind of virus, though, and I feel extra tired and lazy, but I'll do my best to kick myself and get everything done in a timely manner.

Thank you for reading &
Have a nice day!

pixel_trade, legacy, turpentine, s2s:nova's legacy 3, sims

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