Turpentine Legacy Gen 1.4

Apr 16, 2010 17:14

(I personally think that that is the best photoshop job I've ever done, I love how that header turned out.)

So, to recap: Helm married Dolly by shelbster93 and at first things were a little rocky and there was a fire, but luckily no one died and they got to keep the computer, then Dolly got abducted while she was pregnant and when she got back they had their first son, a little boy named Piedmont. Dolly was soon pregnant again, and so was Helm after he was abducted by aliens, too. They sold their telescope and Dolly gave birth to Piedmont's sister Alula, and she had her first birthday and now she's a toddler. And that's what you missed on GLEE

(there will be a lot of these ugly blue/yellow boxes for this update.. unfortunately.)

Helm: "I don't know what these women are complaining about, this baby stuff is easy as pie."

"My son is in school now, and although he isn't so happy with his grades,

"His musical abilities are just astounding.. he spent almost his whole toddlerhood on that little xylophone and he has 10 creativity skill points now.."

"But, that's not enough for him.."

"He's working on his logic skill,  and his mechanical skills"

"Poor Alula is trying her best to catch up, she admires her big brother so much."

(note: this picture is slightly out of order, as you can see, they have wallpaper and a rug here, but that actually doesn't happen until a little later on in the update.)

"If not as skilled as her brother, Alula is certainly just as determined."

"I really couldn't be more proud."

"When Dolly was away at work, I decided to remodel the house a bit, to surprise her, you know? And I didn't have enough money left over to pay the nanny for sitting on her rump and watching TV all day! She took our kitchen sink. I can't believe she took our sink. As soon as the kids are old enough to be home alone, I'm firing her."

"Dolly and I have been working pretty hard to earn back the money I spent on the house, but it's worth it to finally have some floors!"

"Fidelia's first birthday.."

"and Alula's transition to childhood."

"Harper and I are really good friends.. "

"But, I have children now, and I have to be responsible."

"Alula is such a sweet kid, she's already at best friend status with everyone in the house."

"He's growing up too fast.. I feel like I barely even got to spend time with him between all of my working."

(note: he's so adorable! He's a chubby sim, too, which makes him even cuter.)

"I completely missed his whole teenage transition.."

"Dolly and I hadn't been expecting to have another baby,"

"But the Pregnancy went by very quickly."

"And I couldn't be happier that it was another boy!"

"With all these little kids in the house, Piedmont had a hard time finding a quiet place to study."

"And Dolly and I were both too busy to help Alula with her homework."

"Dolly took care of teaching Gulliver, and I did my best with Fidelia"

(note: you can see Helm in the back, he's teaching Fidelia to talk. Dolly and Fidelia have like.. 2 points of friendship, because Fidelia isn't Dolly's biological daughter, I guess. Dolly couldn't teach her to talk or walk or anything.)

"Alula played a pretty big part in raising them, too."

"And Now that she's a teenager, she's even more helpful around the house."

"And she's trying to get her older brother out of his shell a bit, too, it was her idea that Piedmont be the one to teach Gulliver how to talk. Besides Alula, his mother, and myself, Piedmont doesn't really have any friends."

"One day, a new nanny came by, completely uninvited."

"And she put baby bottles EVERYWHERE! I couldn't even ask her to leave, because everywhere I tried to walk was blocked."

(note: lines are there because it was nighttime and I wanted to use the "daytime view" feature in build/buy mode)

"My wife was an A+ woman."

"Alula and Piedmont celebrated Fidelia's birthday while Dolly and I were at work."

And that's it for this update. I'll post the next update tomorrow morning, or later tonight depending on how long it takes me to read all of Chapter 11 in my psychology textbook.

I hope you enjoyed it!
Have a nice day!

pixel_trade, legacy, turpentine, s2s:nova's legacy 3, sims

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