Aug 23, 2005 16:50
1. Don't do drugs, but if you do share with your friends. That way your not the only person acting stupid.
2. Nothing in life is certain.
3. Don't let anyone in your heart, it is just a trick that will hurt.
4. Nothing is worth your life but your children.
5. Alcohol is Gods, Second greatest creation....Sex is the First.
6. Women are the greatest liars...I think.
7. You are only as lonely as you want to be.
8. Not everyone is a Friend, but that doesn't mean that you can't be Friendly.
9. All guys is natural.... right?....dammit.
10. Females love to tease a guy, but we don't always catch on.
11. Don't eat after drinking, or is it don't eat before....well you no damn right what I mean.
12. Any Blonde that sits next to you at work is a fucking Psycho.
13. God may be a Female but she has some huge balls by not answering me.
14. No matter what anyone else says I am a sexy mother fucker..... I am dammit.....fuckers. Its not funny. I'm telling.Mommy.
15. Dogs are cool but cats rule, I mean just look at them little coky mother fuckers. Wait a minute my daughters act that way. shit this sucks ass.
16. Life is what you make of it, and you don't always have to be with someone to have a life. It is safer that way.
17. The older you get the slower you move, but the faster you forget everything.
18. Everyone will die but how you face death is up to you.
19. I think God hates everybody at one point in their life.
20. Every female is beautiful on the outside, but some of yall are fucked up inside.
21. Don't run naked in the snow, wear shoes so you don't slip and fall down a hill and land in a snow bank. That shit is cold.
22. Never get mad at the person that your lover is cheating on you with. Nobody forced your lover to cheat, just tell them thanks.
23. Guy's like using romance to get into girls pants, I say hell if the shit works cool.
24. Females always fall in and out of love all the time. Well you do dammit.
25. Guy's normally fall in love get burnt by a fucking bitch who rips his fucking heart out and fucking stomps on it right in front of him. Then just wants to be friends but he doesn't want to be friends with you because he has been with you in every form and fashion and fucking changed himself to include you in his fucking world, and now you don't want to be in for some stupid ass reason you just give the fuck up, fucking bitch......
Sorry forgot myself and had to vent......grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.