Cookie For Your Memories?

Apr 12, 2011 17:57

Title: Cookie For Your Memories?
Rating: K
Warnings: None
Summary: A switch in roles. This time, Bella is the one to make Jacob feel better.

It's almost midnight when Bella walks into the small living room and finds Jacob on the couch, hunched over, with a picture in his hand. She leans against the wall watching him stare at it, waiting for him to notice her. She hears him sniffle and watches as he brings a hand to his eyes. It's then that she makes a move towards him, not wanting to wait anymore. "It's fine, honey. I'm okay," he says when she sits beside him on the couch.

He puts an arm around her and leans them back on the couch. "You don't seem fine, Jake. Talk to me."

"Why aren't you asleep?" he asks in avoidance.

"Can't get comfortable."


"Jake…" she pushes again.

He sighs, obviously not wanting to get into it. That's when Bella notices the picture in his hands is of his mother. Now she understands. It's the anniversary of Sarah Black's death.

"Want to talk about it?"

"I miss her," is all he says, stroking the face of his mother with the pad of his index finger.

"I know, Jake, I know."

Jacob leans his head against the wall and she runs her fingers through his hair in a soothing manner. "To the kitchen?" she asks.

"To the kitchen."

Jacob gets off the couch and then helps her up. He goes for the cabinets and gets two glasses and a package of cookies while Bella heads to the fridge for the milk. They meet at the table.

When their glasses are filled to the brim and they've split the cookies evenly, they start their annual tradition. "Remember when I was seven and you were five and you talked me into making a chocolate cake for your mother's birthday?"

Jacob chuckles. "Only we didn't know how to make one so we put some chocolate pudding on bread, covered it in sugar and warmed it in the microwave." Bella scrunched her nose up at the memory.

"Doesn't sound appetizing… actually I think I just threw up a little."

"Yeah, but your mom ate it anyway and smiled right through it."

"Yeah…" he says, smiling fondly.

They spend the next hour sharing memories of Sarah, and soon Jacob is back to his old chipper self. She watches him with a smile on her face, happy she'd made the right choice all those years back, because she knows no one else gets Jacob like she does. Any other woman wouldn't know how to cheer him up like she can. They would probably listen when Jacob got in a mood and told her that he just wanted to forget. Bella knows he really just wants someone to remember with him.

They clean up their mess and make their way to the bedroom and as she pulls the covers over her bulging belly, she's thankful that she picked the healthy love and got the chance to create a life instead of having hers stripped away.

jacob/bella, fanfiction, completed, romance, drabble

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