Feb 10, 2005 22:27
Today was alright I must say.
I think I bombed the Latin Test though ... bummer. In Pre-cal, Ms. Kern wasn't there and she left an assignment on the board we had to turn in ... wellll I didn't know how to do any of it. I asked Vito if he knew how to do any of it and he did, so he basicly taught me the entire thing ... I wrote down the problem and was like "okay ... now what" lol, felt dumb, but oh well I know the stuff now anyway. Lunch - SGA meeting, again we accomplished nothing - BUT OH I did finally get my way!!! I alone am doing the Pulp Fiction table I'm sooo stoked!!! Then, I FINALLY did that damn bulliten board for Febuary in the main hallway with Ambers help. And then came home, changed, picked up Grayce, went to the game. God, we got killed ... DE-FUCKING-FENSE is what I wanted to just SCREAM out at that game but I calmed down. Then, met Amber and some other people from the Youth and Government thingy at Juri's for a few minutes. Then, went to target for a movie ... then came home. Agrued with my mom about the dance shit for awhile ... took a bath ... and now I'm here. Cool day I guess. Bio Test tomorrow ... uhhhhg. Anyway that was the "sum" here are the thoughts:
Am I the kind of person people think "well ... it's just a good thing she has a nice personality" about? It's not so much that I care what people think about me, but really. Looks are so misleading ... because they are not constant like personality - unless you are like bipolar or something. Looks can be enhanced and varied - take my new background pic for example: It is a really good picture of me, but everyone who knows me knows that I rarely look THAT nice/cute/whatever. Ahec Josh said I looked "doable" in that picture even lol. But in reality that picture is not me ... my brother said I look like I have a low IQ in it, I think my brother is the only person who sees through looks ... not saying I have a low IQ though, but he isn't so mislead by them. What is on the inside is constant ... doesn't make it good, but the point is that looks cannot show what a person really is acurately. I'm sure you all agree and are pissed I wasted your time with this topic, but I was thinking about that today and thought I'd write that as my thoughts. I must say though, I love myself - inside and out ... because I'm beautiful, just like everything else God made. And that is a great prespective to have - it really makes you feel "on top of the world" (hehehe I'm not suppose to say that anymore cause I said it like a half million times in pre-cal) But it is true. Isn't everything so beautiful, friends.