Feb 06, 2005 20:31
Super Bowl … why is it that I never remember the Super Bowl? I never remember the teams who played - who won - who preformed. I might remember what I did for the Super Bowl. Like when I was I dunno 11 maybe - I went to First Baptist in Bossier for their Super Bowl party with my friend Amanda. I distinctly remember bringing Mardi Gras footballs to play with, but that is about all I can remember. I remember the year I went to the Super Bowl - it was my first plane ride, that’s about all I can really remember though. And I’m sure I can think of sitting at home through a lot of Super Bowl’s - however those just kind of run together in my memories. The only other Super Bowl I can remember anything significant from would be the last one. I remember almost all of it like it was yesterday. I had a lacrosse game before. Donata came and cheered us on but we lost. Donata and I went to Vineyard’s Super bowl party afterwards. I changed clothes and tried to look halfway decent for people I barely knew, but someone had caught my eye weeks before and I couldn’t help but try and clean myself up … no surprise as to who. Anyway, I remember the funniest most random things form that night. Like walking into Jason’s room to join him and Donata there - and once I got into the room and could see the rest of it I noticed who was sitting there next to Donata … I was hoping he would be there, but tried my best to not act too excited. I remember at half time all of us going outside and playing around. And I can’t remember why, but Zach and I walked into the back yard to I guess look at the pool. I took my shoes off and put my feet in. When we were walking back I wanted him to go through the gate first and he was allowing me to and we just stood there until he finally put his hand on my shoulder and pushed me through first … I remember thinking about that for days afterward - I remember thinking about laughing with him that night and looking at him when he didn’t see me, and thinking about him while I sat on the floor waiting for the last few minutes in the came to go by. I remember leaving and thinking only of him … life is just that funny isn’t it. It surely is. Well onto other topics.
The top ten things Amy does not understand (in no special order)
- depression
- emotions
- purpose
- my step dad
- the song Wait by Something Corporate (I’m not gonna lie, I just don’t fucking get that song)
- Why my mom eats only the icing off of sweet stuff
- The war (call me gay or stupid whatever you want, but I can just honestly say I don’t get half the shit they talk about on the news these days)
- Originality (why is it a constant synonym of talent)
- God
- Life (some would say death, but that part makes sense)
Okay, I think that is about all my thoughts for today - well no that isn’t true I’m actually overflowing with millions of thoughts right now but some things are to remain within my little head even if it is about to explode because it is maxed out on thoughts right now. I had one thing left to add though … this week is gonna suck but I’m hoping the weekend will make up for it.
Oh I also loved the fact that I've had no comments for like the past million entries even my poems --- atleast tell me they suck or something. Just kiddin' whatever I write in my Xanga more now anyway, these entires are always just random.
One last note - I got BOTH new Bright Eyes albums and Amber convienced me to get Damien Rice ... go buy this cd friends or be a pirate and download it JUST LISTEN TO IT! Fucking great.