(no subject)

Oct 15, 2005 01:38


Name: Caitlin
Birthdate: March 10
Hair: blonde, purple and emo hair cut
Eyes: hmmm green i think
Height: 5'5"
Gender: female.
How many true relationships have you had?: real ones probably only one
Have you ever been in love?: yes
What's your idea of a perfect date?: i dont know hanging out somewhere
Where's your favorite place to be kissed?: my mouth
How many sexual partners have you had?: hmmm i'll get back to you on that one. haha
How many people have you kissed?: too many to count
Do you like to make the first move?: yeah kinda
Are you a snuggler?: yeah
Do you kiss on the first date?: what dont i do on the first date
Where is the best place you've ever hooked up?: a party?
Do you consider yourself to be romantic?: FUCK NO
Are you an angel or a devil in the sack?: what a gay guestion, im sertainly not an angel though
Would you ever pay someone for sex?: no! haha
Would you ever let someone pay YOU for sex?: maybe
Do you keep your eyes open when you kiss?: no sometimes i open them for like 2 seconds but its really weird
What was your most embarrassing sexual moment?: gagging on a guys penis
Have your parents ever caught you in a compromising position? NO
Have you ever performed a striptease?: no
How about a lapdance?: no .... actually jokingly yes
Have you ever received a lapdance?: again jokingly
Do you like sexual contact?: WHO DOESN'T?!?!
Are you straight, gay or bi?: straight
Have you ever made out with a member of the opposite sex?: hahah yes.
Are you a giver or a taker?: both
What do you look for in a girlfriend/boyfriend?: similar opinions as me, not fat and fairly good looking
Do you think you've met the person you'll spend the rest of your life with?: i really really doubt it
Do you know who your bridesmaids and groomsmen would be?: kt, kelsey, megan i think thats about it
Have you ever regretted a hook-up?: god yes
Have you ever cheated on a significant other?: yes ... only now do i feel really really bad about it
Have you ever hooked-up with someone already in a relationship?: not that i know of hahaha
Have you ever cried over a member of the opposite sex?: yeah
Have you ever had your heart broken?: no
Have you ever had a pregnancy scare?: yeah but only for like 4 days so it wasn't really a big deal
Would you date or marry someone if your parents didn't accept them?: yes.
How about if your friends didn't accept them?: probably
What's the worst relationship you ever had?: lets not talk about it, i've blocked it out of my memory
Have you ever done anything sexual while on the road?: no
Would you kiss someone if you didn't love them?: yeah
Who told you all about sex?: i learned just about everything i know from sunday night sex show, sex tips for girls, hotter sex and i have to say my first time because i love that show
Are you always horny?: pretty much
Are you a flirt?: yeah i flirt WAY too much
Are you a tease?: no
Do you prefer to chase or BE chased?: be chased?
Do you prefer morning or evening hook-ups?: the kind of evening that went to late its morning
Have you ever pulled an all-nighter with a member of the opposite sex, and woke up in each others arms?: yes many times
How old were you at the age of your first kiss?: how would i know that
How old were you when you lost your virginity?: *cough* what?
Do you sometimes wish you could change that?: sometimes
Do you enjoy being in a relationship?: yes because there is someone there and no because then its ONLY them
Are you currently in one?: no
Has anyone ever fallen in love with you?: yes.
Have you ever said "I Love You" and not meant it?: no way!
Are you "noisy" when you get heated?: heated as in turned on? no why is noisy in qoutations??
What is your kissing pet peeve?: opening their mouth too much and too much spit
Do you think you're a good kisser?: yeah, well by what i've been told i am
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