May 16, 2005 03:18

wow MSI IS GO FUCKING GREAT!!! I kissed jimmy 5 times! 5! wow.. wow theres no words to describe that. lauren your a fucking idiot and nothing will ever redeem (sp?) yourself for missing that show. but for the rest of us who have been pissing our pants continuously for the past hmmm month i'd say and still pissing what a great show. amazing. slam dunk. the vancouver show was better than the seattle one but anyways heres the story of how i remember it ...

CAUTION THIS MAY BE LONG BUT I DONT KNOW YET (also beware i have horrible grammer and no puctuation skills)
we left our house about 2 ish and took the c27 to the td bank then walked to pizza hut XP but ended up at little ceasers where danny got a medium pizza and bread sticks and me, megan and kt shared a medium pizza bread sticks and we all shares a diet coke and regular coke. then we took a bus to braid and got on the sky train and tooke THE LONG WAY to broadway. we started walking up the hill and megan wouldn't stop with the how far is it now? are you sure we're going the right way? blah blah blah. we got there and it was 4:30 and there was about 20 kids (max) and we sat down close to where the line would start.

I really had to pee like BAD to i was dancing around and trying not to piss my pants, then some guy told me to stop dancing and i dont remember what else, and who walks out the door but lynz! thats right lynz and some other guy probably a roady. kt told me to ask her if i could go to the bathroom and i said i would and i knew i would but i didn't want to right away. so i went to go ask and kt said if she says yes then im coming with you. this is how the conversation went " hey could i use the bathroom?" "oh ya sure hold on i'll come with you" *lynz puts out cigarette* *walking inside with kt* Lynz-"just to make sure no one thinks your going to destory the place." "oh ya *slight chuckle*" then i go to the bathroom BEST PEE OF MY LIFE!! and we went to go wait outside again and we hade about 1-2 hours i dont quite remember. some really big girl came to give us a peace offering of a hair clip and then he friend(the no dancing guy) came over and explained that theres no dancing because it was a no-fun zone, then i explained that the peeing dancing is manditory when there is no easy excessable washrooms. the some other girl came over who had pink and green warn in her hair. she was really cool. later some nemo guy came over and i didn't like him no one else did but he touched danny's penis and later danny touched his. after just about everyone from that group came over and talked to us the line started. and we were in front, dan, sinclair and some other guy came and they were playing hacky sack. i saw kelsey like 10 mins before the doors and she wouldn't come in the line with me so she left. the doors opened at 6:30 and the doors that we were standing infront of us didn't open. fucking bitches opened the other door so i went infront of that one and got in then kt then megan and so on and so forth. me and megan went straight to the front against the barrier. BILLY TALENT WAS PLAYING AND I WANTED TO SHOOT MYSELF IN THE HEAD!!!!! then there was metal and it wasn't bad. megan was annoying me but any ways. they started at like 8 and jimmy came on with this fox over his sholder it looked almost real but carrying around a dead fox with you on tour would get so smelly. they opened with dicks are for my friend. wowie was i ever peeing. jimmy used so many props like someones underwear and bra that was thrown on stage, an umbrella also thrown on stage, a street hocky net, a little stuffed animal dog that he picked up from behind the barrier, and my favourite the piano that was at the croation. jimmy was like we're going to michelle pfeiffer this shit. he was playing the piano and banging on the keys it was great!! jimmy pointed the umbrella at me and stabbed it in my exact direction. and lynz winked at me twice. after the show i kissed jimmy and got him to sign my underwear. then i got kitty to sign my underwear but lynz was no where to be seen. later on when most people left i went to kiss jimmy again and kelsey did first and then went making out then i kissed him and wow! WOW! he has very soft lips like the softest i've ever felt. i saw evan who got kissed on the cheek and i laughed at him because he said i had aids and jimmy wouldn't kiss me but i got a better kiss then he did. we went outside and said bye to dan and then walked to broadway station. kelsey's dad was right at the intersection when we got there so she left and it was the four of us once again. we took the long way back again and got off at lougheed where kt noticed there was soemthing about msi in the georgia straight i think. so we all got one and read them on the 97.

we got off at 7-11 where darcie's brother was working and i was tlaking to him and we bought 2 cokes then my dad was there to pick us up. everything from then until the next morning is a big blur except i barely got any sleep and i was talking to kt on the couch. then the next morning at 9 am me and megan woke up we started getting ready and stuff but kt and danny didn't wake up until liek 10 but kt was more rushed so we laughed at her. a whole bunch of nothing happened then dan arrived and his water bottle said danimal on it and i laughed at him. soon very very soon we were in the car and off to seattle. the van was soooo hot!! i was sweat and i know everyone else was. we listened to every msi song we had on cd, sublime and some other stuff too and then we got to seattle and it took forever to find our way around but we found the showbox and then went to eat it took 2 hours to find a place to eat and me and kt were MAD!! kt was a lot more mad then i was but we went for a walk and we yelled and made up a story of orange was invented. for dinner i had a sub that had 0 vegtables (typical american) and kt, dan and megan had a pizza. danny looked for placed to eat but he ended up just eating one peice of pizza. we went to the showbox and got into line. we sat down and the guy infront of us liked that idea and joined us we started playing cheat with a deck of cards i brought and i won with my expert cheating skills and then kt then dan (i think) then this jackass working at the venue told us to stand in a single file line. so we did and i was talking to joe(the guy we played cards with) and he was really cool so where his friends (flamming homosexual and some girl). i made fun of dan a lot and we were fight quite a bit. we played quess where we're from with joe and he quessed boston and somewhere else but itold him we're from canada and he had quite a possitive reaction (i was suprised too) we then went on compairing canada to the states and clearly canada is WAY better and even my new american friends agreed. the got moved to stand in this alley way behind the show box where the stupid guy working there yelled at everyone non stop and he thought i budged and tried to make me go to the back of the line and everyone was like your fucking blind she was talking to you before. he looked like the pengiun from batman. joe addopted the nikname the time keeper from come hot guy who kept asking the time. the doors opened at 7 and the people took away my sharpies. inside there was a bar area and a non bar area we sat by the stairs to wait for the show to start there was 2 opening bands that we did not want to see. before they started kt, megan and danny agreed that i looked like billy from hocus pocus (the zombie with his lips sewn shut) dan(that loser) hadn't seen the movie. kt got an eye liner and drew lines down my lips and i looked exactly like him we took a picture and everything.

the first band was just about to start and dan went to go mosh and there was a chick singer and the 4 of us where like DEAR GOD NO! and then dan shows up and we all laugh. the chick had the most annoying singer i wanted to kill her but she looked like the girl i sit beside in math. the second band was good they were called bad acid trip and everything the singer did reminded me of evan 100% i was about 3 people away from the barrier and i was really trying to get closed but i couldn't at all. msi started and i was 5 people away then 10 then jimmy was far away so i left because it was INTENSE. i took pictures from the top of ther stairs and i know there wont be heads blocking jimmy or lynz because of that and im so glad. i drank soooo much tap water from the bathroom but i only peed once so i was badly he-hydrated. i saw joe at the stair and i was standing beside him talking pictures after i finished the first roll i saw kt and we went to get more water and i couldn't get the film in right. i eventually got it and then i took more pictures i went in the main area for a couple songs so i could jump around and go crazy the pictures are going to go from one place to in with people then back again. for a while me, dan, kt and megan were all together. then after the show i had used 2 rolls of film and was working on the third one. i took so many pictures of just jimmy's face. then i got some with me and kitty, me and jimmy, megan and jimmy, danny and jimmy, danny with kitty, dan with kitty, me and kt with lynz and i think some other ones with lynz. she said she wanted my hair and i was like :O:O:O:O:O HOLY FUCK and i said really? i want your hair. and she told me they were extentions. that was so cool me and lynz had like a conversation. i love her wow, and kitty i didn't really like her before but now i really do. we then got into the van and started the drive home. we stopped at a gas starion to get coffee and dan's protein plus bar ( BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ADAN YOU FUCKING LOSER HAHAHAHAHA) then we sat reclined and made rectory jokes for a good hour and a half we stopped at another gas station were dan realized he had hurt his elbow badly. he sat in the back because acording to him that was more comfortable. me and kt promised that would be the only time i would leave my spot in the van. we got the border and the guy working there knew of msi and knew they were playing in vancouver that was cool and weird. we drove megan home then dan then we were home again and i slept so well

those were the best 2 days of my life!

picture may come later and i might just read this over and fix all my mistakes but only if your lucky
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