Aug 27, 2004 00:56

Dear Diary,
today the cutest boy in my class called me. I called my dearest friend kelsey to tell her because caitlin and megan didn't believe me. i have to go to bed now.
Love *Katie

Dear Diary,
Hillary Duff is coming to perform here! OMG she is like soo punx rawk! but im not allowed to go because people do drugs and drink at concerts. They also fight and i dont want to break a nail, then bobby, the cutest boy EVER, wouldn't like me and then I would die! until next time.
Love *Katie

Dear Diary,
Today I unplugged the tape player so Caitlin couldn't pullute the air with the police. I would rather listen to Paul Simmon or some crapalisious techno or emo. OMG! I saw Justin Timberlake on T.V. today. Brittney Spears was soo lucky to go out with him! I'm going to be a virgin until I get married just like her. peace out. Love *Katie

Dear Diary,
Today I was at the video store and I saw the most inspirational movie. It was about a little chubby girl who's only dream was to be a figure skater, it reminded me of when I was in kindergarden and I so desperately wanted to be a ballerina. I cried a little in the store but i ran home to cry and listen to emo and put on my colourful clothes. I still have a small child inside of me that still inspires to be a ballerina and hopefully one day my dream will come true.
Love *Katie

If you haven't realized kt didn't right these. kelsey wrote them and i wrote the last one, but they are all based on the truth.
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