Apr 05, 2005 17:42

So it has been a month since the show, and I feel bad that I havent done this yet, I just havent had pictures because I couldnt take them myself obviously, and if I dont have pictures, no one reads. (SIDE NOTE: This weekend at competition, I had an extreme time taking pictures however, so that is ok, and those may be up in the VERY distant future, or depending, next week...)


I would like to thank B Money, Taylor, Amy, Melissa , plus the countless other people I knew at the show for coming to watch, I had a great time embarrassing myself (oh, you shall see...) in front of you, and now you know what I do all the time, and how bad I really am. You guys make me smile.

ps pictures with me in them are never that cool, but there are flippin sweet pics of the extremo talented lyrical/jazz/amazing dancers at the under the competition section and Nigel Cooper's pics, or go to Tani's ell jay, which is _im_perfectly because she has a few of her and Tareeno, both featured in this post, which are WOW AMAZING.

Freak Show, my jazz dance - the opening number

INCOGNITO...helluh tap haha...we are

meep...Heath, me, Krista...we're so gangsta

Sun Up, Elite Lyrical...there's me on the side, the only one who wears pants, because I am that cool (plus, my legs are so large and white they would blind you if they were bare), Shmulchy, Tani in front posin' helluh sweetness, Heath, and Rachel in the back...

cant see me because I am short...but I am in the second row behind the hot skinny tan girl, aka Jessie...and yes we are wearing freakin can laugh...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH...done? k good.

my tap solo...errr....

this is called an "over the log"...HAHAHA....ok jump over your leg...and tap really isnt that lets move on.

I is me smelling my feet...

there's me smelling my armpit...and Christie and Lizzay are jumping and Zoe is there too...

that is Zoolander underwear removal...and mine was still in the dressing theres some smelly 2XL I am pointing at Zoe, Liz and Chris are in the back, and Tareeno is leaping...HOTT

AND YES, THAT IS ME PICKING MY WEDGIE (ps, yes I AM supposed to do that, it wasnt a lucky shot by Señor Cooper)

on a totally unrelated note, I love this girl.

she lights up my life.

do you know who she is?

that is Kimberly Tabb. Probably the most beautiful picture I have ever seen. I feel that this represents her perfectly. I <3 you Kimmay.

Thanks again to those who came. I hope everyone has an awesome day!

ps - Dean and Becca's ASPEN article is off the chain, hook, whatever ye shall want to say it is off of. You two are amazing. <3

<3 Neeco
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