Mar 28, 2011 21:32
I HAVE A JOB INTERVIEW TOMORROW!!!!! XD I am currently volunteering at the Discovery Place in Charlotte in the Race Exhibit and while talking to one of the other employees, found out about a part-time aquarist position opening. They were already interviewing, but I emailed the man in charge of the aquarium and he said he could fit me in for an interview tomorrow at 2:30. ^_^ It would SOOOOO amazing to actually have a job that uses my BA and isn't retail!!!! So everybody cross your fingers for me!!!!
Now... I need to stop stalling and get back to my homework... a 3 page paper for linguistic anthropology in which I was REQUIRED to sit in a bar for at least three hours. ^_^ okay... it didn't have to be a bar, but I figured if I was going to do a linguistic ethnography, I might as well do it someplace I could enjoy. ^_^