What was I thinkin'?
For sure I'll go to the ball - and if it's just to have a reason to buy a fancy dress. But I'll stick to my boo 'cause he's just an angel. He made clear he's really sorry for the mistakes in the past and promised to change. Surprisingly he did. Let's see if it's just a short term turn or if he stays this reliable. 'Cause of all the studying for the university he stopped his boxin' training and going to the gym. Man let me tell ya he's changed. When I met him his arms where big and muscular and he had this real def six pack. Now what's left of it is the memory. And I'm workin' my butt off to be a hot mama. Doesn't this butty deserve some good stuff in the bedroom? [hit it ->]
http://www.directupload.net/show/d/822/fvPQ46YP.jpg Well I'll make him trainin' again when he's here. Maybe I'll get him where I want earlier if I bait him a little. That's what it's about. All my girls check them boys. They are predictable enough to be given a direction. Three golden rules of a good workin' relationship? Let me tell ya first-hand.
1. Tell ur man what cha want.
2. Show ur man what cha want.
3. And then make him do what cha want.
-> If it doesn't work show some consequences. Believe me girls, I'm the queen in fiddlin' men.
Use your knowledge well - if you do it to often they'll realize they're a tool but if you spread ur love clever and award them sometimes they'll be docile.