Look what I can do on Summer Vacation!!

May 23, 2005 21:33

Known as: Jenny, Jennifer, Blake [when I'm famous], J-Mo, Jelly Bean, JennBenn...the list goes on and on

Gender: Female

Lives in: ATL

Birthday: November 22

Shoe size: 8-ish 81/2-ish

Hair color: Brown

Eye color: blue

Style: Comfy

Fears: drowning/not being able to breathe, the dark

Section 2 HAVE YOU EVER...:

Cheated on someone? Nope

Fallen off the bed? oohhh yeah. my bed is really old so it's like 3-4 feet tall so i've woken up on the floor many times

Fallen for a relative? uumm I don't rooooollll like that

Broken someone's heart? Not that I'm aware of...have I?

Had your heart broken? Once

Had a dream come true? Not yet

Done something you regret? Not really

Cheated on a test? No

Section 3 CURRENTLY...:

Wearing? shorts, tank-top

Listening to? 99X

Reading? Just finished "Dreamland" by Sarah Dessen

Located? The Den---aka where the TV and Computer are

Chatting with? No one

Watching? The computer screen...

Section 4 DO YOU...:

Brush your teeth? Yeah. I'm really OCD about it I brush like after I eat ANYTHING. Silly Jenny.

Like anybody? Yeah but not like obsessively

Have any piercing? One in each ear but I want my cartiledge pierced eventually

Drive? Round the 'hood. Peace up, A-Town down. I really had to get that out, sorry

Believe in Santa Claus? Not anymore

Drink? H2O baby! Haha I'm such a dork.

Got a cellphone? Yeah but it's never charged

Got a pager? HAHA no

Section 5 FRiENDS...:

Who is your best girl friend? madeline [NOT RHS] I've known her since I was 4

Who is your best guy friend? my bro-bro John! hey we're the same age what can you expect

Who do you hate? Hate is an extremley strong word

Who is the shyest? Hrum...I dunno...

Who is the most talkative? Everyone's talkative when we're all together so no idea.

Who is the cutest? Cutest...um...My Favorite Munchkin Marni!!!

Who laughs the most? Come on. I laugh at anything!

Who have you known the longest? My bro. For 15-almost 16 years. Maybe because I was born just 2 minutes before him. But just maybe.

Who have you known the shortest? Um...Marni I guess...? No idea.

Who do you miss the most? Natasa! My love!


Hugged? Ma Mere aka My Mom

Kissed? Nick! Ugh! I need SOMEONE to fix that! Haha kidding

IMed? Laura


Yelled at? My puppy Ginger...hey she was eating a tomato! I have NO idea where she got it from.

Fell in love with? No one

Section 7 PERSONAL...:

What do you want to be when you grow up? *Actress*/Producer/Director/Teacher/Artist/Rapper/Professional Wrestler

Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush? I've got me some crushes

What are you most scared of? drowning...hey wasnt this question already asked?

What do you usually think about before you go to bed? I guess the day...or what I'm doing the next day

Did you lose someone you really loved? Lose as in die yes...Lose as in not-in-touch anymore yes

How many times have you fallen deeply in love? I thought I did but now I've realized it wasn't

Love your family? Yes

Love your friends? Yup

Section 8 FAVORITE...:

Movie: Mrs. Doubtfire and Bridget Jones. Duh

Song: Hrum It changes like once a week but right now I'd say Mr. Brightside-The Killers

Group: Group...as in singers? Huh? I guess The Killers (^^^see above^^^) or possibley U.2. because they stand the TEST OF TIME! haha

Singers: AMy Lee from Evanescece and (don't kill me) Kelly Clarkson. She has a good voice, darn it!

Store: Erum...whatever store's having a sale I guess. Wet Seal maybe? I dunno

Relative: This is an uberly weird quesiton. I guess my grandma...??

Sport: Soccer and Swimming to play but Football and Baseball and Basketball to watch.

Ice Cream Flavor: Chocolate

Candy: Peanut-Butter M&M's

Day of the Week: SUNDAY because that's when I leave for France! yay!

Time: Uhh...this is an uberly weird question as well.

Color: Blue

Name for a Girl: Noel or Jamie

Name for a Boy: Daniel or Chris

Favorite spot for a date: Hrum...um...when I go on one I'll let you know!

Quote: "Abstinence. It's not easy, but neither am I." Sllliiiccckkk!

Section 9 DO YOU...:

Like to give hugs? Hells yeah!

Like to give kisses? Erum if it's with the right person

Like to walk in the rain? Not when it's cold outside. But if it's summer (aka NOW) then i'm all for it

Prefer black or blue pens? Black. Blue pens give me a headache for some reason. Don't laugh at me.

Like to travel? Hells yeah!

Like someone? Okay this is like the THIRD FRIKIN TIME this stupid quiz as asked me this! YES!! AK

Sleep on your side? I actually fall asleep on my stomach

Think you're attractive? I'm comfortable with how I look. I don't think I'm necessarily PRETTY but I mean I don't think I'm ugly.

Have a goldfish? Uh. No.

Ever have the falling dream? Yeah it's really weird too when you wake up in the middle when you're falling. I have. Oh yeah. And it's weird.

Have stuffed animals? A few

Section 10 THIS OR THAT...(im guessing its which one you prefer?):

Pierced nose or tongue? Hrum I guess...um...tongue


Sugar or salt? Sugar

Silver or gold? Silver

Chocolate or flowers? Both. Duh.

Color or Black-and-white photos? Blake and White are so pretty and really nice but I somehow own NONE they're all color.

M&M's or Skittles? M&M's

Hot or cold? cold

Sun or moon? sun

Left or Right? Right

10 Acquaintances or one best friend? One best friend

Mustard or ketchup? Ketchup

Spring or Fall? Fall

Happy or sad? Happy

Wonder or amazement? Amazement

McDonald's or Burger King? If I have to pick one...I guess...McDonalds because they have McFlurry's which are McUber!

Mexican or Italian food? Italian by far. I am a pasta girl. But I have acid reflux disease so they both make me really sick.

Lights on or off? On. Remember...I'm afraid of the dark.

Candy or soda? Candy

Pepsi or Coke? Coke

Look what I can do on Summer Vacation!
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