And once again the night is saved by Serenity, coffee, and bizarre internet-based rituals!

Jan 01, 2011 00:15


I go by Ned, which is my fourth or fifth self-designated name change in five or six years. I'm nineteen, queer, approximately 90% sure I was born in the right body, and it just took me a minute and a half to find the percent sign on the keyboard. This is probably because I drink too much caffeine.

This account was started because I live on a complicated series of impulses and whims that mostly manage to live together in peace and harmony and a general lack of explosions. And because I really like blogging; I've been doing it in one form or another since I was probably twelve or thirteen years old. As I grow older, I tend to get bored or horrifically embarrassed by what I've written, so I delete the account and move on to something else (there's some saying about admitting a problem is the first step to changing it?...ignore me while I snicker behind my hand).

Anyway, so far I've celebrated the new year by watching Inception at my friend Draco's house (names changed because arguments are tiresome) and leaving when the camera in Times Square started lingering a bit too long on images of people making out. Now it's just me, my favorite movie, coffee in a giant Batman mug Ra got me for Christmas, and approximately five thousand idiosyncratic traditions I've been keeping with myself since, well, I started being old enough to make my own traditions alone on New Year's Eve.

Hope we all have a good time this year.

introductory whatsits, coffee, new year's eve, tradition, serenity

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