(no subject)

Jan 28, 2011 12:11

 My first semester of college I tried to take honors calculus. This was less useful than I'd hoped. I guess it usually helps if you think of numbers as a valid way of explaining the universe instead of automatically panicking at the sight of any equation more complicated than basic algebra. Alas.

Anyway, I spent a whole class period creating something called "food calculus," which ended up being a dramatic and definitive attempt to rebuke all my gamer friends who frequently claimed that cake is untrue. Blasphemers. These were also the people who were (and are) better than me at math, but that was (and remains) no reason to listen to such slander against delicious baked goods.

The point is, cake is not a lie. Cake is so far from being a lie that it may just be the first truth from which all other truths sprang. Cake is just nice that way.

Love is true, for example. I'm not making an argument for true love, but love definitely is a thing that exists.

Cake so loves the world that it shows up at almost all celebrations. Therefore, cake is love.

Therefore, cake is true.

Any holes in my logic are due to this enormous headache.

cake is true, food calculus, logic tastes delicious

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