The Week and The End

Jun 17, 2007 22:15

In the days after Ratha I have been feeling a lot more optimistic about the Brooklyn temple. I took the little girl I am taking care of, Amaya, to the temple again with me. Her mom doesn't seem to mind and she has a good time running around the temple room with Minako.

Even though Friday is not my work day Vannesa, Amaya's mother asked if I could pick up Amaya because she had a half day. It was no problem, except that I would have to leave at 3:30pm to go to Niyati's graduation. Medical school. I couldn't be prouder of her. Cookie was coming with me but with Amaya there she would be alone until her mother comes to pick her up after 6:30pm. That's a long time to sit around with my mother. So I asked Cookie if she wouldn't mind staying home to keep her company and I would get my cousin's daughter to come sit with them.

Of course the next day she doesn't call me and doesn't show up when I have to leave and isn't home when I call. I know Cookie will freak once Amaya leaves, having to be alone with my mother. But Cookie says she will be OK with my mom and Amaya. Turns out she did show up way after I left and went home around 8:30pm. When I called they both said everything was fine, to take my time. So I went with Indira to watch a series of short student films, one which she was starring in. We went to grab a bite to eat after and ended up talking forever. So I got home late. Cookie reprimanded me for getting home late. I didn't feel too bad, even though I did feel bad. This is the only the second time I've gone out when she is home, in a two years since her dad moved to VA. I don't go out unless I can take her. Kid friendly events only. In a way it was worth it. I got some serious love that night. The hugs and kisses were wonderful.

We hung out the next day until we it was time to go to Diana's house. We went to New Rochelle to a home program. Vilas Manjari's house is great. So big. I didn't think houses like that existed for the little people. The program was good. Cookie's new thing is to cry because I won't hold her for the entire kirtan. I can't dance for a half hour or more with her in my arms. She is just too heavy. I was able to do it when she was a baby but she is 42 pounds. But she cried and carried on until I had to send her to sit down away from me because it was getting embarrassing. She pouted until kirtan was over. Prasadam was amazing. Lot's of curd and vegetarian donuts and birthday cake. We didn't have cake though. We couldn't even finish our donuts. I took them home with us.

Well not home. We stayed at Diana's house. It was too late to go home. The program ran late. We left there after midnight and didn't get to her house way after one. You would think that Cookie would want to go right to sleep. Nope. She hung out with Diana's daughter and decided, much to my surprise, to sleep with her instead of me. They stayed up and read books for a while and was probably close to three before I heard no more talking. But at 6am I heard crying. Cookie was sobbing. I went to get her and I thought she would go back to sleep but she ran around the entire day.

She didn't fall asleep until after five when we were driving to the temple. She slept most of the time we were there. I woke her up when it was time to eat prasadam. She cried, ate and cried more. When we got home she was fussy, fussy, fussy. She didn't want to get in bed even though she said she was tired. Then she complained about being hot even with the fan on her. Finally I sat with her on the couch with the fan on full blast, turned out the light and she was asleep within five minutes.

Good night Cookie.

I think I'm ready for bed too.

me, temple, cookie

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