I think, after some deliberation, that I'm just going to lump yesterdays game in with tomorow's, given... Ah, who am I kidding. The only people who are reading the
Dungeon & Dragons write-ups were there in the first place, while the rest of you want less of that and more links to Harry Potter/Rent movies. Which doesn't mean I won't stop posting the RPG bits, just that I'll need to do
this more often. So, five of you: I'll have that maybe Sunday.
So, I did finish my paper, and got it in on time. Now, all there is left on the to-do list is to read
Orlando, finish Canterbury Tales write one six pager and a take-home exam, study for a bunch more exams, and do some other readings. You know, nothing major. I think I will now celebrate this fact with the third best reward I have to offer myself: sleep. The second best is the iPod shuffle (half gig, because there's fundamentally no difference in the way I'd use it) that I'm probably going to get whenever I have the time to get back down to Bethesda, after my replacement credit card gets here.
The first best I won't tell you, but it rhymes with "Mary Loraine Slimp is the most excellent lady-friend one could find in all of time and space, even though she's part piranha." What exactly that rhymes with, I'll let you figure out. (Assuming you're
Ogden Nash who would find something that rhymes perfectly, because he is a genius. "Unpoetical blanket material". Hah!)
Now, to catch up on all that sleep I've been missing.
kisses are a better fate than wisdom