"I'm quite tempted to send it back."
"Don't do that! He'd send you another, carved out of sapphire or rubies. He does that sort of thing."
So, I'm more than half of the way through The Count of Mount Christ (that's what it means, right?), and it's great; what I find a shock is the way it twists and turns like a Dan Brown tale, only not so much suck (Not suck, per se; I liked the way Code sped along in short chunks, but the prose was weak and the ideas (once the shock was gone) were... dull. Christ and the whore, man and wife: Big deal). I stopped at the end of LX (out of CXVII), and I've got some notes down in text (well, a Word .doc). I plan to speak with y'all on the book once I'm done with it. There are some thoughts on the Count (in all his forms) that I'd like to share. Most of all, I'll look at him in the light of a man whose name is "Jean". To say more would mean your death; dem's da rules.
In the mean time, I'd just like to say that the bit at the top? It gave me a huge laugh, out loud (Yes, I lolled. God, what kind of a world do we live in where LOL is a phrase there's no way to hide from?). If you read the book, you'll see that what he says? That is just what the Count would do.
It may be that you read this and felt that it was... off. I think it's more the case that you read it and felt it was the same as the rest, just on Count and not, I don't know, the latest meme to come down the pike. (Yeah, I've done few memes, and put one on here. That's the joke)
Read it once more. (Skip the first two lines; I wrote them not, some dead French guy did, and then Rob Buss changed them so I could know what the French guy said; If the words I speak were good enough for Christ, then damn it, they're good enough for Dumb-Ass, and yes, I stole that from a
kick-ass film.)
Well, by now, you may have guessed what I did. It was part of a drill in the class where all we do is write, write write: each word (with one or three that broke the rule, as there was no way to change them and make them fit) is one... thing long. You know... short. I can't say the word, because it's too long, but it begins with an "S". The drill was made to make sure each word was picked with great care, as we would break the rule if we were hasty. Oh. Shit.
I said I'd stop at chap. 60. Chap. 61: How To Rescue A Gardener From Dormice Who Are Eating His Peaches. Damn, but that's a good name.